How do you get infinite Paragon in Mass Effect 2?

Glad to know the infinite Paragon/Renegade glitch in Mass Effect 2 LE still works. In the Lazarus Station, after finding Wilson and fighting the mechs will trigger a cutscene where you can earn 4 paragon or renegade points. After the cutscene, take cover behind the crates Wilson was behind, save, and load it.

How do I enable cheats in Mass Effect 2?

Enabling console

  1. Download HxD, which is a hex editor program.
  2. Open MassEffect2.exe in HxD, which can be found in /Binaries.
  3. Scroll down to offset row E21730. Use page up and page down to scroll faster.
  4. Under columns 04 to 06, the values should read 70 B4 56.
  5. Hit save, and close HxD.

Can you max paragon and renegade in Mass Effect 2?

Outside of exploits, its impossible to max both paragon and renegade in ME2 or 3, but you can max the skills in ME1 via new game +. Currently, there are no known ways to max both in ME3, but it becomes less necessary as in ME3 your total rep can contribute to speech unlock checks rather than individual levels.

Is there console commands for Mass Effect 2?

There are some Mass Effect 2 console commands that you can use to get things like God Mode and instant access to XP and talent points….Mass Effect 2 Console Commands.

Command Effect Sample
SetParagon int value Sets Paragon points SetParagon 3000
SetRenegade int value Sets Renegade points SetRenegade 3000

How much Paragon do you need for Jack and Miranda?

To answer your question: The Miranda/Jack dispute requires 70% paragon or 40% renegade to resolve with both loyal.

Is Paragon better than renegade?

Being Paragon or Renegade will greatly impact Shepard’s dialogue and quick-time actions throughout the games. Overall, it can be said that Renegade Shepard’s dialogue is much funnier and more memorable. After all, Paragon Shepard is patient and kind which leaves little room for “creativity”.

Is it better to be a renegade or paragon?

That’s not a hard rule (Renegade players will also be able to use persuasion), but if you’re generally more interested in using charisma and logic over fear and brute force, Paragon is much more likely to offer roughly what you’re looking for.

Is Shepard Renegade or Paragon?