How do you make a present perfect continuous interrogative sentence?

Rule for Interrogative Sentences in Present Perfect Continuous Form:

  1. Has he been working here since last year?
  2. Has she been writing for three hours?
  3. Has it been weaving for five hours?
  4. Has pigeon been flying nonstop for six months?
  5. Have we been wandering since yesterday?
  6. Have they been revolting since 1978?

What is the interrogative form of past perfect continuous tense?

To buy, past perfect continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I had been buying I hadn’t been buying Had I been buying?
You had been buying You hadn’t been buying Had you been buying?
She had been buying She hadn’t been buying Had she been buying?
We had been buying We hadn’t been buying Had we been buying?

What is the rule of present perfect continuous interrogative negative?

In Present Perfect Continuous Tense, interrogative negative sentences are just like interrogative affirmative sentences with only use of “not” after subject.

What is present continuous interrogative?

The present continuous, in the interrogative form, is used to ask about situations that are going on around the moment of speaking. When we use the present continuous in its interrogative form, we start with the verb to be followed by the subject and a verb that ends with -ing (the sentence ends with a question mark).

What is present perfect interrogative?

We use the present perfect, in the interrogative form, to ask about completed actions which have occurred in the past, are connected to the present and still have effects on it.

What is the question form of present perfect continuous tense?

Wh-Questions in the Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) What have you been doing since I left? Why has the phone been ringing for the last two hours? How long has he been waiting?

When use present perfect continuous?

We use the present perfect continuous to talk about repeated activities which started at a particular time in the past and are still continuing up until now: I’ve been going to Spain on holiday every year since 1987. I haven’t been eating much lunch lately. I’ve been going to the gym at lunchtimes.

Can an interrogative sentence?

For example: — “Will you work on important projects next month?” = The sentence is in the future simple interrogative, so we start with will and we use the base form of the verb to go (go).

What is the formula of past perfect negative interrogative?

Past perfect tense interrogative Had + Subject + Not + Verb (3rd form) + Object + (?) Had + Subject + Not + Verb (3rd form) + Object + (?) Not का प्रयोग होगा क्योंकि वाक्य interrogative and negative है।

What is interrogative sentences?

An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question. Interrogative sentences can be direct or indirect, begin with or without pronouns, and feature yes/no interrogatives, alternative questions, or tag questions. Interrogative sentences often start with interrogative pronouns and end with a question mark.

How do we form affirmative negative and interrogative sentences in past?

Remember that in interrogative and negative ideas, it is necessary to use the auxiliary DID, when you have DID, the verb goes in simple form not in past tense. On the other hand, in affirmative ideas, the verb goes in simple past tense and you do not need an auxiliary.

What is the structure of present continuous tense in interrogative form?

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts – the present tense of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb….Forming the present continuous.

Subject + to be + base + ing
to be + subject + base + ing
Is she talking?

Can we use Wh questions in present perfect tense?

We use present perfect wh- questions to ask about recent events or actions. ‘Where have you been? ‘ ‘At school. ‘

How long is a question example?

Questions with HOW LONG

  • How long will he stay here?
  • How long will he wait?
  • How long will you write?
  • How long will Ram play?
  • How long will it take?
  • How long will it type?
  • How long will they read?
  • How long will they write?

Has been or have been examples?

When and How to Use Have Been or Has Been

  • I have been to that city. ( present perfect) Shane has not been working on the tractor of late. (
  • Courtney has been a team leader before. ( present perfect)
  • Until Roger became manager, the repair records had been vague at best. ( past perfect)

What is the difference between present continuous and present perfect continuous?

On the other hand, present continuous tense is used when somebody describes an event or narrates something connected with an event or a happening. On the other hand present perfect continuous tense is normally used in short story writing and novel writing for that matter.

What’s the difference between present perfect and continuous?

We use the present perfect simple with action verbs to emphasise the completion of an event in the recent past. We use the present perfect continuous to talk about ongoing events or activities which started at a time in the past and are still continuing up until now.

What are 20 examples of interrogative sentences?

20 Examples of Interrogative Sentence

  • What did you do yesterday?
  • Do you know where the library is?
  • When will he be back?
  • How often do you go to the dentist?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • Will she be able to come tomorrow?
  • Did they ever get married?
  • Where does she live?