How do you round to the nearest thousands place?

Rounding numbers to the nearest thousand means we need to write that multiple of 1000 which is closest to the given number. For this, we need to check the digit to the right of the thousands place, that is, the hundreds place. For example, when 3100 is rounded to the nearest thousand, it becomes 3000.

How do you round numbers in Excel?

Head to Formulas > Math & Trig, and then choose either the “ROUNDUP” or “ROUNDDOWN” function from the dropdown menu. Enter the number (or cell) you want to round in the “Number” field. Enter the number of digits to which you want to round in the “Num_digits” field. And the same rules apply as with the ROUND function.

What is 0.45831 rounded to the nearest thousandth?


What is 0.45831 rounded to the nearest thousandth?
A 0.45
B 0.458
C 0.459
D 0.4583

What is 4358 to the nearest thousand?

The nearest thousand to 4358 is 4000.

What is 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands?

Answer. 34519 rounded to the nearest thousands = 35000. Hope it Helps you.

Which number do you get on rounding off 7581 to the nearest 1000?

Answer: The nearest thousand of 7581 is 8000.

What is the nearest tens of 75847?

Hence, Round off the given number $75847$ to the nearest tens is $75850$….

Given Number Approximate rounded form to nearest
75847 Ten thousands

How do I round up a higher number in Excel?

What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousands?

What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousand? Rounding 52437 to the nearest thousand will make the number into 52000 .

How do you round decimals to the nearest ten thousandth?

To round the decimal number to its nearest ten thousandths, look at the hundredth thousandths number. If it is more than or equal to 5, add 1 to the 10000th value. In case, it is less than 5, keep the value in ten thousandths place same and eliminate all the numbers next to the 10000th place.

What is 80531 to the nearest thousand?

80,531 rounded to the nearest thousand is 81,000.

What is 241639 to the nearest thousand?

241639 rounded to the nearest thousand equals 242000.

What is the nearest thousand of 793?

793 is greater than 500, hence it is rounded off to 1000.

When 75845 is rounded to the nearest ten thousand we get?

75845 to the nearest 10000 is 80000.

What is rounded to the nearest hundreds the number 75847?

Round off t

  • i. 75847 ⇒ Nearest Tens = 75850. Numbers that have the last digits > 5, then the digits at ten’s place is increased by one and the place at one’s position is made 0.
  • ii. 75847 ⇒ Nearest Hundreds = 75800.
  • iii. 75847 ⇒ Nearest Thousands = 76000.
  • iv. 75847 ⇒ Nearest Ten thousand = 80000.