How do you stop hollyhocks from rusting?

Cut down hollyhock plants at the end of the season and burn or bury the debris. Use fungicides if necessary. Chlorothalonil and sulfur are good choices. Apply them every seven to ten days or more often if it rains.

What does rust look like on hollyhocks?

What does hollyhock rust look like? Initial symptoms of hollyhock rust are orange to yellow spots (roughly ⅛ to ¼ inches in diameter) on lower leaves. Irregular brown areas may also develop on stems.

How often should you water hollyhock?

two to three times per week
Water daily for the first few weeks after planting, and regularly after that, keeping the soil is moist but not waterlogged. Once hollyhocks grow to maturity, they become relatively drought-tolerant, so you can then decrease your watering frequency to two to three times per week for the rest of the growing season.

Why are my hollyhock leaves wilting?

Rust. Rust is caused by a fungal disease that creates brown-, orange- or rust-colored dots or pustules to appear on the hollyhock foliage. If not treated, rust results in wilted and discolored leaves that fall from the hollyhock. Splashing water and wind easily spread the fungus from one plant to another.

What can I spray on hollyhocks?

Spray with pyrethrin, carbaryl or acephate only as a last resort, as these broad spectrum insecticides can also kill any beneficial insects residing in the garden. To be most effective, spraying should be done in the late evening.

What is the best fungicide for hollyhock rust?

The fungicides tebuconazole (Provanto Fungus Fighter Concentrate), tebuconazole with trifloxystrobin (Provanto Fungus Fighter Plus, Toprose Fungus Control & Protect), and triticonazole (Fungus Clear Ultra) are approved for the control of rust diseases on ornamental plants, and can be used against hollyhock rust.

What do you spray hollyhocks with?

Spray insecticidal soap directly on these pests; it will kill them on contact. If caught early in the season, you may be able to prevent them from laying eggs by checking nightly and destroying the pests you find, until no more hollyhock weevils are detected.

Should I fertilize hollyhocks?

Hollyhock flowers do well with 10-10-10 fertilizer, which, in short, stands for equal levels nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You should only need two to three tablespoons of this fertilizer per plant per season. Another option is a water-soluble fertilizer designed for flowering plants.

Do hollyhocks like full sun?

Hollyhocks are not fussy and survive in many spots but do best in soil that has been amended with compost. They do not like dry soil. With adequate moisture and good drainage, hollyhocks can thrive in full sun or partial shade. Try them in a few different spots in your yard and see where they are happiest.

Do hollyhocks like shade?

Hollyhocks will grow in any garden soil, but prefer fertile, well-drained soil, in full sun, to produce the tallest flower spikes. Choose a position that is sheltered from strong winds, else they tend to blow over.

What’s wrong with my hollyhocks?

Disease cycle of hollyhock rust Puccinia malvacearum, the rust fungus that infects hollyhock, causes yellow spots on the upper leaf surface, and orange-brown raised pustules on the lower leaf surface. Wet conditions promote infection by the rust fungus.

How do you grow healthy hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks need full sun and moist, rich, well drained soil. The mistake many novice hollyhock growers make is to plant this flower in soil that’s too dry. If you are planting seeds, sow them outside about a week before last frost. If you are planting seedlings out, wait about two to three weeks after last frost.