How do you test a bipolar junction transistor?

This post refers to how to test a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) with an ohmmeter….How to test a bipolar transistor

  1. Step1: Connect the red probe to the base(B) of the transistor and the black probe to the emitter(E)
  2. Step2: Connect the red probe to the base(B) of the transistor and the black probe to the collector(E)

How do you know if a transistor is cut off?

Whenever we observe the terminals of a BJT and see that the emitter-base junction is not at least 0.6-0.7 volts, the transistor is in the cutoff region. In cutoff, the transistor appears as an open circuit between the collector and emitter terminals.

How do you test a bipolar transistor with a multimeter?

Connect the base terminal of the transistor to the terminal marked positive (usually coloured red) on the multimeter. Connect the terminal marked negative or common (usually coloured black) to the collector and measure the resistance. It should read open circuit (there should be a deflection for a PNP transistor).

How do you know if a transistor is active?


  1. A transistor is said to be in its active mode if it is operating somewhere between fully on (saturated) and fully off (cutoff).
  2. Base current regulates collector current.
  3. The ratio between collector current and base current is called “Beta” (β) or “hfe”.
  4. β ratios are different for every transistor, and.

How do you know if a transistor is active or saturated?

  1. The simplest way tell is to check the collector to emitter voltage.
  2. If Vce value is close by the Vce(sat) value given in the datasheet, you can say the transistor is in stauration region.
  3. If the Vce >> Vce(sat) then the transistor is in Active region.

How do you test transistors?

Hook the positive lead from the multimeter to the to the EMITTER (E) of the transistor. Hook the negative meter lead to the BASE (B) of the transistor. For an good NPN transistor, you should see “OL” (Over Limit). If you are testing PNP transistor, the meter should show a voltage drop between 0.45V and 0.9V.