How do you write a 4th step inventory?

A Fearless Inventory The program member must see his or her inventory on paper in front of them to ensure thoroughness and coherence in their thoughts about themselves and others. The 4th Step inventory should contain three critical parts: resentments, fears, and sexual conduct/harm done to others.

What does step 4 in NA mean?

Searching and fearless
Searching and fearless. Step Four calls on us to be searching and fearless. We are asked to look carefully at ourselves and to get beneath the self-deceptions we have used up to now to hide the truth from ourselves. We search within, as if entering a dark house with a single candle to guide us.

What are the spiritual principles of step 4 na?

The overriding spiritual principle for Step Four is courage. Other spiritual principles important for working this step include honesty, willingness, and humility. In taking Step Four one must exhibit the courage necessary to honestly and thoroughly examine oneself.

What does the 4th step mean?

The purpose of Step 4, “made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves”, is to begin to determine the root cause of one’s drinking, identify any weaknesses that may have contributed to alcoholism, and understand personal strengths that can help support the person with their self-discovery and recovery in …

What does it mean to me to be searching and fearless?

NA emphasizes that Step 4 calls on you to be searching and fearless. You are asked to look carefully at yourself and to get beneath the self-deceptions you have used up to now to hide the truth from yourself. Search within, as if entering a dark house with a single candle to guide you.

What does it mean to take a moral inventory?

A moral inventory is a written objective assessment of your life, including character deficits, strengths and weaknesses, and an overarching look at the damage you’ve caused with your addiction. This step, although difficult, is an important part of achieving long-term sobriety in drug rehab.

How do you start the 4th step?

Tips for Completing the Fourth Step Inventory Step four of AA’s 12-step program is challenging for many AA participants. If you aren’t sure where to begin, start by: Listing people, places, ideas, and situations, that trigger positive or negative feelings for you (some items might appear more than once).