How do you write the numbers 1 100 in Japanese?

You’ll see I first wrote the Japanese numbers in kanji but included how to read them in hiragana and romaji (English characters) as well….Kanji Numbers in Japanese: 1 – 1 Trillion!

Kanji Kana + Romaji
9 きゅう (kyuu)
10 じゅう (juu)
100 ひゃく (hyaku)
1,000 せん (sen)

How do you write 100 in hiragana?

For example, for 21, we would say “2-10-1”, or ni-juu-ichi / にじゅういち….Japanese numbers: simple double-digit numbers.

Hiragana English Phonetics
ななじゅう seventy nana-juu
はちじゅう eighty hachi-juu
きゅうじゅう ninety kyu-juu
ひゃく one hundred hyaku

Are Japanese numbers written in hiragana?

Since the Japanese numbers are Japanese words, they should normally be written out in hiragana (いち、に、さん、よん). For most practical purposes, of course, they are written in Arabic numerals (1,2,3,4) or kanji (一、二、三、四).

How do you write 100000 in hiragana?

They continue as follows: 10,000 ichi-man 「1万」 100,000 juu-man 「10万」 1,000,000 hyaku-man (one million) 「100万」

Is 7 Nana or Shichi?

Nana is the most common reading of 7, however shichi is often acceptable, for example when naming months.

How do you write 1000 in hiragana?

That’s 千二百八十九 in kanji and せんにひゃくはちじゅうきゅう in hiragana. So 1000 (sen) + 2 (ni)‌ 100s (hyaku) + 8 (hachi) 10s (ju) + 9 (kyuu) is sen nihyaku hachijuu kyuu. As you probably have already realized, it’s easier to read or write Japanese numbers using kanji since the hiragana can get pretty long with numbers such as 1289.

How do you write 70 in hiragana?

As we have learned, 70 is nana juu, and five is go. Therefore, 75 is nana juu go in Japanese.

How do you write 3000 in hiragana?

10,000 is [ichi man], not just [man]….1,001 – 10,000.

日本語 読み 数字
3,000 (三千) sanzen 3,000
4,000 (四千) yonsen 4,000
5,000 (五千) gosen 5,000
6,000 (六千) rokusen 6,000

How do you write 600 in Japanese hiragana?

For example, 1980 is 一九八五, not 千九百八十五….101 – 1,000.

日本語 [にほんご] 読み [よみ] 数字 [すうじ]
600 (六百、六〇〇) roppyaku 600
700 (七百、七〇〇) nanahyaku 700
800 (八百、八〇〇) happyaku 800
900 (九百、九〇〇) kyūhyaku 900

Should I say shi or yon?

As noted above, yon (4) and nana (7) are preferred to shi and shichi. It is purported that this is because shi is also the reading of the word death (死), which makes it an unlucky reading (see tetraphobia); while shichi may sound too similar to ichi (1), shi or hachi (8).

Do you say Shi Yon?

How do you choose between yon and shi for 4, or nana and shichi for 7 in Japanese? Yon is the typical reading of 4 in Japanese, except when counting months. When in doubt, use yon. Nana is the most common reading of 7, however shichi is often acceptable, for example when naming months.

How do you write 300 in hiragana?

The number for 300 is pronounced as sanbyaku (さんびゃく).

How do you say 1.5 in Japanese?

Note that as cc mentioned, 1.5 would be pronounced “ittengo,” not simply “ichi-ten-go.” If you say “ichi-ten-go,” people would understand it alright, though. The change in pronunciation happens with 1 = ichi, and 8 = hachi, as well.

How do you say 99 in Japanese?

99 becomes kyuu juu kyuu.

What means Ko in Japanese?

child. More meanings for 子 (Ko) child noun. お子様, 子供, チャイルド, 幼児, 児 infant noun.

How do you say zero in Japanese?

For zero in Japanese, the kanji is 零 (rei). However, it is more common to use and say “zero” the same way we say it in English: ゼロ (zero). Or マル (maru) which translates to “circle” and it’s used the same way we say “oh” instead of “zero” in English when reading individual digits of a number.

Is KU a kyu or 9?

Basic numbering in Japanese

Number Character On reading
6 roku / ろく
7 shichi / しち
8 hachi / はち
9 ku, kyū/ く, きゅう

How do you write 500 in hiragana?

For example, 1980 is 一九八五, not 千九百八十五….101 – 1,000.

日本語 [にほんご] 読み [よみ] 数字 [すうじ]
400 (四百、四〇〇) yonhyaku 400
500 (五百、五〇〇) gohyaku 500
600 (六百、六〇〇) roppyaku 600
700 (七百、七〇〇) nanahyaku 700

How do you write 600 in Japanese Hiragana?