How does Dexter get M99?

In Dexter season 1, he explains that he attained his M99 from the DEA by using the fake alias “Patrick Bateman, M.D.,” a clever reference to American Psycho.

Is M99 real?

Etorphine (M99) is a semi-synthetic opioid possessing an analgesic potency approximately 1,000–3,000 times that of morphine. It was first prepared in 1960 from oripavine, which does not generally occur in opium poppy extract but rather the related plants Papaver orientale and Papaver bracteatum.

What drug does Dexter use to sedate his victims?

etorphine hydrochloride
He injects his victims with M-99, or etorphine hydrochloride, an animal tranquilizer, and binds them to a plastic-covered table with plastic wrap.

What did Dexter use to drug people?

Using Etorphine Dexter Morgan injects a tiny dose of Etorphine to his victims as a way of immobilizing them. The sedative works instantly, rendering the the person immobile and unconscious within a couple of seconds, and lasting for several hours.

What schedule is etorphine?

Etorphine is only available to the patients under an official prescription. In the US, Etorphine is listed as a Schedule I drug, although Etorphine hydrochloride is classified as Schedule II.

Who is the real Bay Harbor Butcher?

Dexter Morgan
Jasper Hodge – Chief Angela Bishop of Iron Lake noticed similarities between needle marks found on Jasper’s body and those on one of the Butcher’s victims (retcon), which led her to believe that her boyfriend “Jim” (Dexter Morgan) was the true Bay Harbor Butcher. Matt Caldwell – Dexter killed and incinerated Matt.

Is etorphine legal?

Etorphine is available legally only for veterinary use and is strictly governed by law. It is often used to immobilize elephants and other large mammals.

Does M99 work instantly?

In the series, the drug, known as etorphine or M99, has an instantaneous effect on its victims, but we wanted to verify the speed at which the drug diffuses through the body. Etorphine is an analgesic with a potency that is 1000-3000 times stronger than morphine [1].

How did Dexter inject himself?

Since “The Beast” isn’t dead, Dexter argues that sacrificing an innocent won’t work. Travis agrees to release Harrison as long as Dexter injects himself with the needle he’s brought. However, Dexter doesn’t actually push the plunger and fakes passing out. He turns the tables on Travis just as he is about to kill him.

Does Batista know Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher?

In the season finale, once Angela is sure that her boyfriend Jim Lindsay a.k.a. Dexter Morgan is really the Bay Harbor Butcher, she decides to give Batista a call. Angela emails Batista a photo of her and the man known as Jim Lindsay so that Batista can confirm he is really Dexter.

How long does it take for M99 to work?

All sedatives take at least 1 to 2 minutes before taking effect; hence, the immediate passing out seen often in Dexter is unrealistic.

Can tranquilizer guns be used on humans?

A second class of drugs that is used in humans also used in animal tranquilizer guns are the benzodiazepines. For humans these would be drugs like valium, ativan and versed. There is a reversal agent for this class of drugs as well. We call it flumazenil.

Why did Louis Send Dexter the hand?

In reality, Louis was the one who had bought the hand and possessed it the whole time. Later, Louis mailed the hand to Dexter as a prank (with additional drawings on the palm taken from a “Palm Chart.” In Season Seven, Louis told Dexter that the lifelines meant “time is short.”

Is Dexter in love with his sister?

He knows that he loves his sister. He says, if you can remember back to the pilot, “If I could love anyone, it would be Deb.” So yes, he has strong feelings for Deb but like a brother loves a sister. THR: Dexter also sacrifices himself to save Harrison when he’s on the roof with Travis.

Why does Dexter throw Deb in the ocean?

He also buried her at sea, dropping Debra into the sea to mark the end of his time in the life he’d made for himself. It was poetic justice that Dexter, who had experienced a thrill disposing of his victims in the exact same way, had to let go of his sister like this.