How does ethylene oxide sterilization work?

Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Based on a gas diffusion process, Ethylene Oxide (EO or ETO) is capable of sterilizing and rendering products free of viable microorganisms. Sterility occurs when an EO gas molecule reacts with and destroys the microbial DNA.

What are the primary mechanisms of action of ethylene oxide gas as a sterilizing agent?

Ethylene oxide is capable of destroying most viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including bacterial spores. It reacts with protoplasm, DNA, and proteins and deactivates enzymes and other biologically important components of a living organism. Ethylene oxide is more effective in killing microorganisms under dry conditions.

What is the mechanism of sterilization?

Mechanism of sterilization Representative sterilization methods include the autoclave, which operates under the same principle as a pressure cooker, vapor, and hydrogen peroxide plasma or gas, which can be performed under non-high temperature conditions [14].

What is ethylene oxide used to Sterilise?

Currently, ethylene oxide gas is used to sterilize 50% of all medical supplies that require that high level of disinfection — everything from plastic surgical gowns to syringes, catheters, bandages, gauze, and pacemakers.

What does ethylene oxide do?

It is used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent. The ability of ethylene oxide to damage DNA makes it an effective sterilizing agent but also accounts for its cancer-causing activity.

What is sterilized with ethylene oxide sterilization?

Medical devices made from certain polymers (plastic or resin), metals, or glass, or that have multiple layers of packaging or hard-to-reach places (for example, catheters) are likely to be sterilized with ethylene oxide.

What is the advantage of ethylene gas as a sterilizing agent?

Advantages of EtO are: Low temperature. High efficiency – destroys microorganisms including resistant spores. Large sterilizing volume/ chamber capacity. Non corrosive to: plastic, metal and rubber materials.

Why is medical equipment Sterilised with ethylene oxide?

In hospitals and other facilities, ethylene oxide, because it is able to penetrate suitable wrapping material, has been usefully applied for sterilisation of equipment and supplies which are heat sensitive. Ethylene oxide is also used for pest control in some libraries, herbaria and museums.

Is ethylene oxide used to sterilize medical equipment?

Ethylene oxide sterilization is an important sterilization method that manufacturers widely use to keep medical devices safe.

Is ethylene oxide sterilization safe for humans?

ETO has been linked to spontaneous abortion, genetic damage, nerve damage, peripheral paralysis, muscle weakness, and impaired thinking and memory.873 Occupational exposure in healthcare facilities has been linked to an increased risk of spontaneous abortions and various cancers.

What are the advantages of ethylene oxide sterilization?

Because ethylene oxide (EtO) can sterilize at low temperatures, the main advantage of this gas for hospital sterilization is that it will not damage heat sensitive materials, such as plastics. Gas concentration, sterilization temperature, chamber humidity, and exposure time affect EtO sterilization.

Which instruments are sterilized by EtO?

It is most commonly used to sterilize instruments with long lumens such as endoscopes and all materials that have to be sterilized but cannot withstand higher temperature. EtO process temperatures from 25 – 55°C are used.

What are the two main types of sterilization?

There are two distinctive types of heat-based sterilization: Moist Heat Sterilization and Dry Heat Sterilization. Moist Heat Sterilization – This type of sterilization uses moisture, water-vapor or steam at high temperatures.

Is it safe to sterilize with ethylene oxide?

“…Ethylene oxide is a commonly used method of medical device sterilization. It’s considered a safe and effective method that helps ensure the safety of medical devices and helps deliver quality patient care.”

Which of the following are disadvantages of using EtO?

The main disadvantages associated with ETO are the lengthy cycle time, the cost, and its potential hazards to patients and staff; the main advantage is that it can sterilize heat- or moisture-sensitive medical equipment without deleterious effects on the material used in the medical devices (Table 6).

What materials can be EtO sterilized?

EO sterilization is compatible with nearly every polymer (Table 4.7), except those that may be particularly sensitive to humidity, low temperature, and high EO gas concentration EO sterilization is nearly always very gentle with most polymers, if used wisely.