How does marriage work in Ethiopia?

The wedding ceremony starts with dances and music and the bride’s parents give the groom a dowry, in most case money and cattle. At the end of the ceremony the groom takes his bride to his parents’ house. The groom takes the bride’s virginity during the first three days after the marriage.

Who pays for the wedding in Ethiopia?

Every Ethiopian groom must pay a dowry for his new bride. “Traditionally, in urban centers, every item of the dowry had to be brand new and the groom had to pay for it,” Kassahun Terfassa, 68, who has mediated numerous marriage arrangements, told AA. “The new generation does not invest too much money.

What is traditional wedding in Ethiopia?

Ethiopian Sodo Gurages Traditional Wedding Customs It is on the Meskel Festival that the boy may choose the girl that he wishes to take as his bride. At this point, the parents of the man will send the Shemagele or elder to the house of the girl for the marriage proposal, which often lasts about 15 days.

What types of marriage are there in Ethiopia?

Generally, there are three types of marriage among the Oromo. This type of marriage has different names in different parts of Oromia: ‘kadhaa’ (Nuro,1989), or fuudha baal-tokkee (Hussen 2000) around Arsi, ‘cida’ (Lemmesa, 2007) around Showa, and ‘Naqataa’ (Gemetchu & Assefa, 2006) in Wallaga.

What type of marriage are there in Ethiopia?

What is religious marriage in Ethiopia?

— Religious Marriage. Religious marriage shall take place when a man and a woman have performed such acts or rites as deemed to constitute a valid marriage by their religion or the religion of one of them. Article 4. — Marriage According to Custom.

What are Ethiopian woman like?

Ethiopian women enjoy catering to their family, friends, relatives and significant others. At the same time, they love to be taken care of also. So if you take care of your Ethiopian woman, she will return that with a love that is immense and passionate.

What is the average marriage age in Ethiopia?

16.5 years1
According to the most recent Demographic and Health Survey data from 2011, the median age at which Ethiopian women marry is 16.5 years1 and 40% of all women in their early 20’s were married before they turned 18.