How far in advance can you make fondant animals?

If you need your fondant decorations or figurines to be hard, make them at least two days ahead of time and let them sit at room temperature to dry.

Can you mold fondant into shapes?

Fondant can be shaped using special fondant molds and cutters, or hand molded into any shape or design imaginable.

How do you keep fondant figures from melting?

Use an oven light or table lamp. Miraculously, the heat emitted from your oven light is just right for drying fondant pieces without melting or burning them. Simply place the fondant piece on a lined cookie sheet, pop it in the oven, close the door and turn the oven light on. Easy!

Is modeling paste the same as fondant?

It can be rolled quite thin and is ideal for creating hand-modeled flowers or other intricate decorations. While fondant will remain soft, gum paste dries quite hard and is better suited for decoration on a cake than for, say, covering an entire cake.

What is the difference between modeling paste and fondant?

Fondant usually contains some type of gelatin, which helps give it that elasticity and pliability. Gum paste, on the other hand, uses Gum-Tex powder for added stability and strength. A small amount of Gum-Tex can also be kneaded into fondant to make it act similarly to gum paste.

Can you harden fondant in the oven?

Simply place the fondant piece on a lined cookie sheet, pop it in the oven, close the door and turn the oven light on. Easy! Larger pieces can take a few hours to dry, while smaller ones may be done within the hour. A desk lamp can do the job too.

Can I make fondant decorations in advance?

With a basic butter cake, the fondant covering should be done no more than 2 to 3 days in advance of decorating and serving.

How long do fondant figures last?

Keep the fondant in a cool, dark place for up to 3-4 months. Put your decorations in place that doesn’t get a lot of light, such as a cabinet, pantry, or closet.