How impressive is a sub 3 hour marathon?

Sub-3-hours is a very good marathon time and will involve training hard and being consistent in the training that you do. There is no point having a good 10 days training and then having a week of interrupted mediocre running, that is not what marathon training is all about.

How long did it take Oprah to run a marathon?

Oprah Winfrey- 4:29:20 Her 19 month journey inspired the masses thanks to a documentary film crew that accompanied her throughout her training.

Can everyone run a sub 3 marathon?

The sub 3 hours club does not accept everyone. Only joined by the most rigorous of runners. Except of course, that kind of buddy we all have, quietly hitting a 2h55 on their first marathon 🙄. To cross this bar, you have to run at 4min15s / km 42.195 km.

What percentage of marathon runners break 3 hours?

The website estimates that only four percent of all marathon runners of any age manage to break 3 hours for the classic distance.

Is under 3 hours good for a marathon?

Indeed, only the top 5 per cent of runners complete marathons in under three hours . So unless you’re a professional runner, three hours or less would make for a very good marathon time. Another way of approaching your marathon time is to aim for the global – or marathon-specific – average.

How many miles a week should I run for a 3 hour marathon?

Scott Logic ran analysis on training data for 7.2K athletes on Strava who completed the London Marathon and found that ≥3 hour marathon finishers ranged between 15-30 miles per week across 2-3 training days.

Can you run 26 miles in 3 hours?

The marathon distance is 26.2 miles — a heck of a distance to drive, never mind run — and the science has gotten so advanced that people are learning to run it faster and faster*. So fast in fact, some individuals are able to run it in under three hours. Three hours!

Why does running get harder as you age?

According to a 2016 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, older runners—typically those over 40—display less muscle activation in their calves and ankles, which leads to weaker push-offs, decreased power, and a shorter stride. That, in turn, leads to a slower pace.

What is a good 5k time for a 52 year old man?


Age group Time (minutes and seconds)
40–49 18:13
50–59 19:31
60–69 22:36
70–79 29:13

How do you break a 3 30 marathon?

A 3:30 hour marathon is approximately 8:00 per mile. To break 3:30, you should eventually be capable of a sub-1:37 half-marathon (7:20 per mile) and sub- 43:00 10K (7:00 per mile). Right now, you should be running at least 25-30 miles per week, and be able to run for 1:30 non-stop.

What pace is a 3.45 marathon?

approximately 8:35 per mile
A 3:45 hour marathon is approximately 8:35 per mile. However, it’s likely you’ll have to run more like 8:30 per mile on the day, once you factor in a bit of dodging and weaving. To break 3:45, you should eventually be capable of a sub-1:45 half-marathon (8:00 per mile) and sub-46:00 10K (7:30 per mile).

What is the vo2 max for sub 3 marathon?

A VO2max of 60 ml/kg/min is about the highest that most men can attain through training, and 3:10 happens to be a gold standard in marathoning: It’s the time men aged 18 to 34 must achieve to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

What pace is a 3 hour marathon?

approximately 6:50 per mile
A 3:00 marathon is approximately 6:50 per mile. To break 3:00, you should eventually be capable of a sub-1:25 half-marathon (6:30 per mile) and sub-38:00 10K (6:00 per mile) Right now, you should be running at least 35-40 miles per week, over six or seven sessions.

What foods runners should not eat?

Foods Runners Should Avoid

  • Sugary Sodas. Sugary sodas tend to instantly satiate you but eventually cause dehydration and elevated sugar cravings.
  • Frozen Meals.
  • Dairy products.
  • Alcohol.
  • Energy Drinks.
  • Oily And Fatty Food Items.
  • Spicy Food.
  • Foods That Are High In Fibre And Carbohydrates.

Why are African runners so dominant?

Typically they have thin ankles and skinnier calves than other running cohorts. Since they live in high-altitudes, it conditions them for endurance. There appears also to be a component that has throughout the ages made the fastest of those living in Eastern Africa the most successful.

How competitive is a sub 3 hour marathon?

A sub 3 hour marathon is quite competitive. If you want to have a shot at achieving this milestone, your other race times must also be quite competitive. That’s because running is running. Fitness is fitness. And fast runners are fast runners (no matter the distance).

How long does it take to train for a sub-three marathon?

I believe you only need about sixteen weeks of devoted training to really move the needle with your running performance. Use the below guidelines to ensure that you are in a good spot before tackling your next marathon build-up towards that sub-three goal.

How do you warm up for a sub-3 hour marathon?

“Do an active warm-up, which involves things like skips, side skips, high knees, heel flicks, dynamic stretches and gentle strides,” says Heptonstall. If you’re shooting for a sub-3hr marathon, you probably have a go-to routine already, but in case you don’t or you fancy mixing things up, try this warm-up routine from Heptonstall.

What is the caffeine bullet sub 3-hour marathon training plan?

The Caffeine Bullet sub 3-hour marathon training plan runs for 16-weeks and has been devised to ensure that you peak on marathon day. To consider using this plan you should be used to regularly running 25+ miles per week and be able to run a 5k in 18:30, a 10k in 38:00 or a half marathon in 1:25.