How is Gonstead chiropractic different?

Gonstead is different form other types of chiropractic because it focuses on the body’s structural foundation and intervertebral discs. It is more than just a “quick fix”.

Is Gonstead chiropractic effective?

The Gonstead system is currently considered to be one of the most effective and complete methods for biomechanical analysis.

What is a subluxation Gonstead?

Subluxation: The original Gonstead definition involves a complex that includes a misaligned vertebra that is maintained in a sustained position; the shifting of the vertebral body so that it compresses the intervertebral disc and exerts pressure on the nucleus pulposus, thereby forcing it against the anulus fibrosus; …

Can Gonstead fix scoliosis?

Gonstead adjustments are highly effective in managing the common complaints associated with scoliosis. A study of 1000 young chiropractic patients found an improvement in curvature in 84%.

Is it normal to feel worse after chiropractor?

It is not uncommon after a recent chiropractic adjustment to experience discomfort as toxins are released from the body. Through chiropractic adjustments and treatments, toxins are broken up and released, and the body rids itself of these toxins with a healthy immune response.

Is Gonstead real?

The Gonstead system of chiropractic is widely recognized throughout world as one of the best methods in diagnosing and adjusting the spine. The method focuses on adjusting the spine, pelvis, and extremities as precisely as possible.

Why do chiropractors use clickers?

This instrument allows chiropractors to provide a quick, low-force impulse at specific points. There are two theoretical advantages of an Activator instrument-assisted treatment: High speed. The instrument is so quick that the body’s muscles are less likely to tense in response, and resist the treatment.

Should people with scoliosis see chiropractor?

Many adults with scoliosis find non-drug, non-invasive chiropractic treatments can help reduce their pain by decreasing the pressure on their nervous system and strengthening their body’s core. Procedures and ideas to stay active without increasing the symptoms.

Can chiropractic adjustments make scoliosis worse?

Treating scoliosis with a traditional chiropractic approach can actually put more pressure on the spinal joints, aggravate the surrounding nerves and lead to the scoliosis worsening over time. The joints of the spine need to be repositioned first and foremost.