How long does it take to walk the American Discovery Trail?

about 390 days
If you hike 15 miles a day, and take one rest day a week, it takes about 390 days (or 56 weeks) to cover 5,000 miles. Few people could match the hiking pace of Marcia and Ken Powers. They averaged more than 20 miles per day, including some 30-mile days, and took only four rest days on their 231-day trek.

What cities does the American Discovery Trail go through?

The Trail

  • The eastern section of the trail runs from Cape Henlopen in Delaware to the western side of Ohio passing through.
  • The northern route runs from Elizabethtown, Ohio to Denver, Colorado passing through.
  • The southern route also runs from Elizabethtown, Ohio to Denver, Colorado passing through.

Where does the American Discovery Trail start and end?

The American Discovery Trail begins (or ends) with your feet in the Pacific Ocean at Point Reyes National Seashore in California. From there, it traverses California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado, where in Denver it splits into two routes. The Northern Midwest route travels through Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana.

Is the American Discovery Trail well marked?

The trail is not marked from end-to-end as the Appalachian Trail is. One day it will be, but we are not there yet. Where do I find the most current route information? There is a general description at the State-by-State Trail Directory.

How difficult is American Discovery Trail?

Colorado (1,153 miles (1,856 km)) Utah (593 miles (954 km)) Nevada (496 miles (798 km)) California (276 miles (444 km))…

American Discovery Trail
Highest point Argentine Pass, 13,207 ft (4,025 m)
Lowest point California Delta between Isleton and Antioch, −17 ft (−5.2 m)
Hiking details
Trail difficulty Easy to Strenuous

Is the American Discovery Trail paved?

Utah (593 miles (954 km)) Nevada (496 miles (798 km)) California (276 miles (444 km))…

American Discovery Trail
Trailheads Cape Henlopen, Delaware; Limantour Beach, California
Use Hiking, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking
Highest point Argentine Pass, 13,207 ft (4,025 m)

What is the longest hiking trail in the US?

Longest Hiking Trails In The United States

Rank Hiking Trail Route Length
1 American Discovery 6,800+ total; 5,057 miles (Southern Route alone); 4,834 miles(Northern Route alone)
2 Great Western Loop 6,800 miles
3 Eastern Continental 5,400 miles
4 North Country 4,600 miles