How many rounds of IVF are there in Hampshire?

Although NICE recommend up to 3 cycles of IVF should be offered on the NHS, some CCGs only offer 1 cycle, or only offer NHS-funded IVF in exceptional circumstances.

What is CCG IVF?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is one of several techniques available to help people with fertility problems have a baby. During IVF, an egg is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilised egg, called an embryo, is then returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop.

How long is the wait for IVF on NHS?

Depending on the area you live in, couples eligible for NHS funding can wait between a few months and up to three years to start fertility treatment. The main reason for long waiting times are the limited resources available to the NHS.

What does my BMI need to be for IVF on NHS?

You must have a BMI between 19 and < 25 for at least 6 months to qualify for NHS funded IVF treatment. If overweight, your healthcare professional should offer you a structured weight loss programme or you can contact Live Well Stay Well (see useful contacts below) for guidance and additional services available.

How long does it take to get CCG funding for IVF?

six weeks
It usually takes up to six weeks for a CCG in London to respond to your request for funding. If your CCG has a contract with us, you can start the process within six weeks (or less) from referral. The number of cycles funded vary according to CCG.

Can a single person get IVF on NHS?

Can single women or same-sex female couples have IVF on the NHS? Yes, if the prospective mother has an identified cause of sub-fertility/infertility or has had 12 cycles of unstimulated IUI over at least 12 months.

Can I get IVF on the NHS as a single person?

As NICE guidelines apply to couples, it is broadly recognised that single women are not eligible for IVF on the NHS. However, there have been rare instances where this has occurred. Please remember that each CCG’s criteria for treatment varies, so please do check with your doctor first.

How quickly can IVF start?

Finally, the IVF cycle begins! It can take up to six weeks until a pregnancy blood test can detect a pregnancy.

Can you get IVF on NHS if overweight?