How many times can I enter Malaysia in a year?

90 days at a time, one re-entry should be fine and as pointed out by PSS , a return ticket to your county of origin will help your case to highlight you are not attempting to become an illegal immigrant. After one re-entry then suspicions could be aroused.

Can you enter Malaysia multiple times?

FAQ’s About the Multiple Visa for Malaysia Indian nationals who wish to spend longer in Malaysia are able to apply for the multiple entry visa. The Malaysia multiple entry visa allows citizens of India to enter the country multiple times, for a total consecutive stay of either 15 or 30 days with each entry.

How many days can a foreigner stay in Malaysia?

30 days
A Malaysian tourist visa (eVisa included) is valid for a maximum of 3 months and for a single entry. However, you can only stay in Malaysia for a maximum of 30 days. It is the immigration Officer at the Malaysian point of entry who decides how long you can stay.

How can I stay in Malaysia long term?

A Malaysian Long Term Social Visit Pass is issued to foreign nationals who want to stay in Malaysia for a period longer than six months. It is issued to the family members of Employment Pass holders or spouses of Malaysian citizens as well as to foreigners who need to undergo medical treatment in Malaysia.

How can I stay in Malaysia for more than 90 days?

Immigration officials will place an entry stamp, known as a social visit pass (visa), in your passport authorizing a stay of up to 90 days. Travelers may apply to the Malaysian Immigration Department for extensions of up to two months.

How can I stay in Malaysia permanently?

Getting Permanent Residency in Malaysia is possible through the Malaysian Entry Permit. The Malaysian government issues an Entry Permit (Malaysia PR) to certain categories of foreign nationals. If you receive Malaysia permanent residency, you will get an Entry Permit and Identification Card (MyPR).

How can I stay more than 30 days in Malaysia?

A single entry visa for Malaysia is only valid for up to 30 days and it cannot be extended. Neither can a Social Visit Pass. If you want to stay in Malaysia for longer than your Pass is issued for, you have to leave the country and apply for the appropriate Malaysian Visa/Pass.

How can I stay longer in Malaysia?

If you want to stay in Malaysia for longer than your Pass is issued for, you have to leave the country and apply for the appropriate Malaysian Visa/Pass. However, an extension of a Social Visit Pass may be possible in extraordinary cases, and only after consideration on a case to case basis.