How many users can use QuickBooks Mac?

QuickBooks Online vs. Desktop comparison

QuickBooks Online QuickBooks Desktop
Maximum number of users
Up to 25 users and 3 accountants with Advanced plan. Up to 40 users with QuickBooks Enterprise.
Maximum number of financial accounts in chart of accounts

How do I put QuickBooks in multi-user mode?

Switching User Modes Click on the File menu in the upper left-hand corner of QuickBooks. 2. Click the option Switch to Multi-user mode. Note: If you’re trying to switch to Single-user mode, the option in the File menu will say Switch to Single-user mode instead.

What is QuickBooks multi-user mode?

The multi-user mode 1 in QuickBooks Pro and Premier allows multiple users to collaborate on the same company file at the same time. All users must be networked and must each have their own QuickBooks license.

Can you use QuickBooks Desktop on multiple computers?

If you purchased a single-user license for an edition of QuickBooks, your license entitles you to install the software on a total of two computers, provided that you own both systems. These two installations enable you to work at your office on one system and continue your work at home on another computer.

How do I enable multi-user mode in QuickBooks for Mac?

To make sure it is, select File, then select New Finder Window. Make sure the other computers using QuickBooks are showing in the Shared section. Choose a computer to be the host for QuickBooks Server, then open QuickBooks and select File and Enable Multi-user mode.

How many user licenses do I need for QuickBooks?

Depending on the number of user licenses you have, QuickBooks Desktop Premier allows up to 5 users and Pro allows up to 3 users to work in a company file at the same time. If you need more than 5 users, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Solutions allows up to 30 users working on a company file at the same time.

Why can I switch to multiuser mode QuickBooks?

Causes of Quickbooks Multi-User Mode Not Working The hosting settings may not be configured properly. The antivirus or the firewall may not be allowing communication between user computers. QuickBooks company file is not being opened by the database server. Windows file permissions were not set properly.

How do I connect two computers to QuickBooks desktop?

  1. Step 1: Install and download data transfer utility.
  2. Step 2: Paste the company file.
  3. Step 3: Open the company file on the secondary computer.
  4. Step 4: Select “Open source company”
  5. Step 5: Allow access to your personal data.
  6. Step 6: Search for “Close” and close the company.
  7. Step 7: Choose “Restore company” or “Open”

How much does it cost to add another user to QuickBooks?

The Complete Guide To QuickBooks Desktop Pricing

Add-Ons Pro Price Premier Price
Additional Users $200 per user $300 per user
Tech Support Included Included
Live Bank Feeds $10-$15/month $10-$15/month
Automatic Data Backups Included Included

How many users can I have on QuickBooks?

QuickBooks Online ‘multi-user’ feature allows you to multitask and manage a series of routine accounting tasks, with ease by adding up to seven members to your team and work simultaneously, all with a single login.