How much does a tombstone cost in South Africa?

Tombstones can cost anywhere between R2,000 and R1 million! (Uncommon but not unheard of). Include the costs of hosting the occasion, such as transport for attendees, catering, and tents, and it can become extremely expensive.

How much is the tombstone?

For a basic lawn-level memorial, the costs can start around $600. That assumes a durable granite, and includes basic information, such as name, dates and delivery. There are several headstone lettering styles to choose from when designing a headstone.

Does Avbob have tombstones?

Over the last century AVBOB Industries developed into the largest manufacturer and supplier of funeral ware and related products in Southern Africa. We manufacture wooden coffins, metal caskets, coffin fittings/hardware, upholstery, robes, artificial wreaths, funeral equipment and tombstones.

What is the cheapest headstone?

Flat grave markers are the cheapest option out of all headstone choices. On average, you can find flat grave markers starting anywhere from $200 to $400. Doing your homework is always important as you determine how much a headstone costs, so be sure to compare prices and shop around for the best value.

What’s the difference between a headstone and a tombstone?

“Gravestone” is the older word, being used from the late 1300s, and “tombstone” is from the mid-1500s. A headstone, as the word implies, referred to a grave marker placed at the head of a grave. It’s the newest of the three words, arising in 1676, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

How do you buy a tombstone?

How to Buy a Custom Headstone Online

  1. Talk to your cemetery. The first step is to simply talk to your cemetery.
  2. Set your budget. Next, it’s time to set your budget.
  3. Start your search. It’s time to start your online search.
  4. Make your customizations.
  5. Send your headstone to the cemetery.

How much is a 2 person headstone?

Double or companion headstones start at $800 for lawn-level markers, while pricing for upright styles ranges from $3500 depending on the design.

What is the difference between a headstone and a gravestone?

Is it disrespectful to stand on a grave?

Respect the graves. Touching monuments or headstones is extremely disrespectful and in some cases, may cause damage. For example, some older memorials might be in disrepair and could fall apart under the slightest touch. Be sure to walk in between the headstones, and don’t stand on top of a burial place.

Who can erect a headstone?

Usually only the person named on the Deed of Grant can erect memorials or headstones on a grave. Nevertheless, there are some circumstances in which other people can become involved in the process.

How are headstones attached to base?

The upper headstone section is called the “die” or “tablet” which sits on top of a base stone. The die and base are attached together with monument setting compound. Sometimes people refer to the base as the foundation. However, the foundation is normally made of concrete and is set into the ground.

Can you buy your own tombstone?

The cemetery is where the memorial will be placed, but you can purchase headstones from cemeteries, funeral homes or memorial providers. Memorial providers are especially experienced with grave markers of all styles, materials, shapes and sizes.

When should I buy a tombstone?

It is important to note that headstones can be planned prior to death – many choose to design, and even purchase, a headstone as a part of the planning process. This often times makes it easier on the friends and family dealing with the logistics of a gravesite after a loved one has passed.

What is the difference between a tombstone and a headstone?

What to know before buying a headstone?

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a headstone:

  • Know the cemetery rules: Different cemeteries have different rules and regulations regarding the type of headstone that can be installed in the cemetery.
  • Installation options:
  • Set your budget:
  • Select the material:
  • Select the headstone type:
  • Customization:

Why are bodies buried 6 feet down?

Medical schools in the early 1800s bought cadavers for anatomical study and dissection, and some people supplied the demand by digging up fresh corpses. Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies.

Is it OK to take a picture of a grave?

People visit the cemetery to pay respect to the dead and remember the memories they left behind. Don’t intentionally take pictures of them especially if you don’t have permission. You never know whether they are done grieving or not. It is utterly rude to butt in at times like this.

Can two bodies be buried in the same grave?

Companion plots: Companion plots are two plots that are sold together for a couple, usually a married couple. Companion plots can be two plots side-by-side, or a single plot in which the caskets are buried on top of each other (often referred to as “double depth”).