How much does the heaviest guinea pig weigh?

If you can imagine a guinea pig that weighed 1,543 pounds (700 kg) and stood 1.4 yards (1.3 meters) tall, you are imagining Phoberomys pattersoni, the biggest guinea pig ever, which lived 8 million years ago in what is now northern Venezuela.

Can a guinea pig weigh 40 pounds?

A standard adult guinea pig should weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds and measure between 10 and 14 inches from head to rear. If your pet falls outside of these guidelines or has a sudden major fluctuation in weight, take action for the sake of his health.

Can a guinea pig be too fat?

Obese guinea pigs may have fatty pads on their shoulders, legs and groin area. They can also accumulate fat deposits around their internal organs, including the heart; these can cause serious health problems. If your guinea pig is overweight, they will become unfit and have reduced exercise tolerance.

What is the heaviest guinea pig ever?

1,500 pounds
The newly christened Goya the giant guinea pig belonged to Phoberomys pattersoni species. According to the study, the researchers determined the large guinea pig fossil’s weight came in at 1,500 pounds and the estimation for its body size was approximately nine feet long.

How big is a 12 week old guinea pig?

Guinea Pig Size and Growth Chart

Age Weight Range (grams)
8 weeks 700 – 400
10 weeks 800 – 500
12 weeks 900 – 550
14 weeks 950 – 600

Do giant guinea pigs exist?

Phoberomys pattersoni, alias Goya the giant guinea pig, is the biggest rodent ever found, according to the journal Science today. In May 2000 researchers began recovering the fossilised bones from a layer of shale in what is now a hot desert region of Venezuela called Urumaco, 250 miles west of Caracas.

How big do super guinea pigs get?

They typically weigh between 4-8 pounds when adult, compared to a typical pet guinea pig which typically only reaches two pounds at adulthood. These giant guinea pigs may have a draw because they are novel and therefore interesting, but they do not make ideal pets.