How much is a Dalton Arrowhead?

Number Title Price
#8056 Dalton $395.00
#8058 Dalton $150.00
#8067 Newton Falls $195.00
#8093 Holland $125.00

How old are Dalton arrowheads?

The Dalton Tradition is a Late Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic projectile point tradition. These points appeared in most of Southeast North America around 10,000–7,500 BC.

What are arrow heads made from?

Most arrowheads were made from various stones such as flints, obsidian, and chert; however, wooden and metallic ones have also been found. Native Americans made arrowheads using a chipping process called flint knapping.

What is a Calf Creek Arrowhead?

Description: A medium to large size thin, triangular point with very deep parallel basal notches. Andice and Bell points, similar in form, are found in N.E. Texas. Very rare in type area. Find Calf Creek’s at

Where are Dalton arrowheads found?

Distribution Comments: This point is most commonly found in the mid to lower Mississippi River valley and into the Tennessee River Valley. This point is found with decreased frequency in the Ohio River Valley and into the eastern United States and southeastern Canada.

How do you identify a Dalton point?

Dalton points were generally lanceolate (leaf-shaped) in outline. The blade portion of the point was sometimes serrated, similar to the modern bread knife. The bottom, or haft, portion of the Dalton point was made to be concave at the base and tapered so that it would fit into a handle or a spear shaft.

What rock did Indians use for arrowheads?

When making arrowheads, Native Americans chose stones that could be easily chipped and sharpened. Most arrowheads were made from various stones such as flints, obsidian, and chert; however, wooden and metallic ones have also been found. Native Americans made arrowheads using a chipping process called flint knapping.

Are Clovis points Rare?

Clovis archaeological sites are rare. Points are found at single-episode kill sites, multiple-episode kill sites, campsites, in caches, and as isolated artifact finds. Campsites and caches are extremely rare finds.

What is a Lost Lake Arrowhead?

General Description: The Lost Lake is a medium to large sized corner notched point that is beveled on one side of each face. The type is generally large with deep corner notches that often curve in and up from the edge of the blade. The terminal notch scars usually exhibit semicircular herzian cones.