How much money is zircon worth?

Zircon stone price Zircon can cost anywhere around $50 to $400 per carat, depending on the quality factors of the stone. You’ll need to evaluate the stone and ensure that it is worth the asking price. It is best to compare the zircon prices from different vendors before you buy, to ensure you are getting a good deal.

What is zircon used for?

Today this element is widely used, as zircon, as Zirconium oxide and as the metal itself. Zirconium is to be found in ceramics, foundry equipment, glass, chemicals, and metal alloys. Zircon sand is used for heat-resistant linings for furnaces, for giant ladles for molten metal, and to make foundry moulds.

Is zircon rarer than diamond?

In fact, it is much rarer than diamonds but is considerably less valuable. Zircon comes closer to resembling diamonds than any other natural gem. Its superior luster and intense fire give it a real sparkle that is comparable to a diamond.

Is zircon a real gemstone?

Zircon is a natural stone. It is a zirconium silicate which appears a a dark brown, green or red color after extraction and changes color when heated. Most blue stones are pastel blue, but some exceptional gems have a bright blue color. Zircon is also available in green, dark red, purple, yellow, brown and orange.

How can you tell if a zircon is real?

The most obvious way to distinguish a zircon presented as a substitute diamond from an actual diamond is by the former’s birefringence. Zircon’s high birefringence makes this 4.57-ct round brilliant-cut stone appear fuzzy.

Are zircon and zirconia the same thing?

Zircon is made of zirconium silicate, whereas cubic zirconia is made of zirconium oxide. Both of the gemstones are hard to differentiate from each other and are confused as being the same.

Is zirconia poisonous?

Toxicity Most zirconium compounds have low systemic toxicity due to their poor solubility. However, some soluble compounds, such as zirconium tetrachloride, are irritants and may cause corrosive injury. In addition, skin and lung granulomas have been reported following repeated zirconium exposure.

Is zircon fake diamond?

A cubic zirconia is a real cubic zirconia, but it is not a real diamond. There are a few types of stones that are used as diamond simulants, but cubic zirconia is by far the most common and the most realistic.

Is zircon a sapphire?

To the naked eye, they appear the same. However, zircon and cubic zirconia are two vastly different diamond & white sapphire alternatives. Chemically, optically, and structurally the two gemstones are very dissimilar. Here’ we’ll explore how these two are different and how they can help you.

Is zircon a valuable stone?

Zircon is an important gemstone of many colors, and is an historical gemstone used for thousands of years. It is sometimes looked upon as a cheap Diamond simulant, but in actuality it can be a valuable gem.