How slow does hCG rise in ectopic?

In 8 out of the 9 women who were ultimately diagnosed as having an ectopic pregnancy, the increase in hCG progressed only slowly, with a doubling time exceeding 2.2 days.

What are hCG levels for ectopic at 5 weeks?

Absence of a normal gestational sac in the uterus, with an LMP estimated at 5 weeks or greater and a b-hCG of 2000 mIU/ml or more, is concerning for abnormal pregnancy. Abnormal elevations in b-hCG, including an increase of less than 53% over 48 hours, is suggestive of a nonviable pregnancy, including ectopic.

Are hCG levels different in ectopic pregnancies?

Absence of an intrauterine gestational sac on abdominal ultrasound in conjunction with a β-hCG level of greater than 6,500 mIU per mL suggests the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Would hCG levels double if it was ectopic?

diagnosed as having an ectopic pregnancy, the increase in hCG progressed only slowly, with a doubling time exceeding 2.

Does slow rising hCG always mean ectopic?

Blood Tests In an uncomplicated, early pregnancy, hCG levels typically double every couple of days. Slow-rising hCG can also occasionally occur in a viable pregnancy, but it can also indicate a first-trimester miscarriage. 6 HCG levels on their own cannot confirm an ectopic pregnancy.

Will hCG levels rise if ectopic?

Rise in hCG <35 percent – An hCG that rises <35 percent every two days across three different measurements is most consistent with an abnormal pregnancy (eg, ectopic pregnancy, nonviable IUP) [38,39].

Can hCG double with ectopic?

However, up to 21% of ectopic pregnancies demonstrate a β-hCG doubling time identical to that of intrauterine pregnancies (,9).

What should hCG level be at 7 weeks?

Typical hCG Results 5 weeks: 18 – 7,340 mIU/ml. 6 weeks: 1,080 – 56,500 mIU/ml. 7 – 8 weeks: 7, 650 – 229,000 mIU/ml. 9 – 12 weeks: 25,700 – 288,000 mIU/ml.