Is Avantax a good company?

Currently, Avantax Wealth Management has over 300 employees and is affiliated with 3,750 financial advisors who advised on $76 billion worth of assets for individuals, families, and businesses across the U.S.1 In 2014, Avantax Wealth Management ranked in the Top 20 for broker/dealer firms based on revenue.

Is Avantax a broker dealer?

We have over 3,500 independent contractors, who manage over $70 billion in assets for individuals, families and small businesses in all 50 states and rank as one of the top 15 independent broker-dealer firms by annual revenue and assets under management as of December, 2019.

Is Avantax a fiduciary?

The Avantax Portfolio Management (PMG) is a team of tenured investment professionals that operates under the oversight of the Avantax Advisory Services’ Fiduciary Oversight Committee (FOC) and is tasked with finding “best-in-class” investment managers and products for use across the IMS Select Portfolios strategies as …

Is Avantax an RIA?

Avantax Planning Partners operates as an employee-based RIA and wealth management business that partners with CPA firms in order to provide clients with holistic financial planning and advisory services, and retirement plan solutions.

Is HD Vest now Avantax?

HD Vest Financial Services® will be rebranded to Avantax Wealth Management on Sept. 16, 2019. After this date, clients will see communications and statements referencing Avantax Investment ServicesSM for securities and investment products and Avantax Advisory ServicesSM for investment advisory services.

Who owns HD Vest?

Wells Fargo
H.D. Vest Financial Services/Parent organizations

When did HD Vest become Avantax?

Sept. 16, 2019
HD Vest Financial Services® to be Renamed as Avantax Wealth Management℠ September 9, 2019—HD Vest Financial Services®, my firm’s wealth management support and services provider, is being renamed Avantax Wealth ManagementSM effective Sept. 16, 2019.