Is cat eye syndrome treatable?

Cat eye syndrome can’t be cured because it’s caused by a permanent change to a chromosome. But many of the symptoms can be treated. Because your child may have symptoms in different parts and systems of their body, you’ll need a team of doctors to help treat them.

What is the current status of cat eye syndrome?

Many more affected individuals exist but have not been described in the medical literature. However, the syndrome is very rare, and currently there are no accurate estimates of the incidence of CES in the population.

How do you get cat eye syndrome?

In people affected by Cat eye syndrome, each cell has at least one small extra (duplicate) chromosome made up of genetic material from chromosome 22. This extra genetic material leads to the characteristic signs and symptoms of the condition.

What can be done for a person with cat eye syndrome?

There is no cure for cat eye syndrome, as it is a permanent defect in the chromosome. Treatment relies solely on which symptoms your child exhibits and may include: Surgery to correct cleft lip/palate, skeletal abnormalities, anal atresia and other physical and internal issues.

How long is the average lifespan of a person with cat eye syndrome?

Some people with CES will have severe malformations in early infancy, which can lead to a much shorter life expectancy. However, for most people CES, life expectancy usually isn’t reduced.

Is cat eye syndrome recessive trait?

Cat eye syndrome can be inherited in one of two ways. Either the duplication on chromosome 22 is passed down from parent to child in what is called autosomal dominant inheritance or the duplication occurs only in the affected person this is called a de novo mutation, meaning it occurred by random chance.

Is cat eye syndrome fatal?

Outlook for people with cat eye syndrome Treatment for individual symptoms in these cases can prolong life. Some people with CES will have severe malformations in early infancy, which can lead to a much shorter life expectancy. However, for most people CES, life expectancy usually isn’t reduced.

Is cat eye syndrome dominant?