Is Charles Gautier still alive?

He was a member of the Socialist Party; a former mayor of Saint-Herblain, he died of colon cancer at his home in the town….

Charles Gautier
Personal details
Born 25 January 1945 Plélan-le-Grand, France
Died 11 June 2014 (aged 69) Saint-Herblain, France
Nationality French

Is Alain Gautier a real person?

But Charles Sobhraj—who went by many aliases, including Alain Gautier—was committing crimes years before the events of the series began. He was born in Vietnam in 1944, and had been in jail twice already for theft by the time he allegedly committed his first murder of a taxi driver in Pakistan in 1972, when he was 28.

What happened to The Serpent in real life?

In 2003, he travelled to Nepal where, on the streets of Kathmandu, he was recognised and arrested for the murders of the two North American backpackers in 1975. He was tried and received a life sentence; he is still incarcerated there today.

Where is Charles Sobhraj now 2021?

Nepalese jail
In 2018, Sobhraj was in critical condition, and had been operated on multiple times. He had received several open heart surgeries, and was scheduled for more. As of April 2021, he remained in a Nepalese jail, aged 77 and in poor health.

Where is Dominique from The Serpent now?

Where is Dominique today? Dominique has lived a private life and very little is known about him. At the end of The Serpent, it is revealed the real Dominique Renelleau lives in France today. He is married with grown-up children and remains a keen traveller.

Where is Nadine gires now?

Where is Nadine now? Nadine Gires has lived a private life and very little is known about her. At the end of The Serpent, it is revealed Nadine and her husband Remi returned to live in Thailand but are now divorced. Today, she runs a beach resort in the south of Thailand.

Where is Marie-Andrée Leclerc now?

Leclerc passed away in April 1984 from cancer. After she was diagnosed while in prison, the Indian government decided to overturn her conviction and allow her to briefly return to Canada for the last moments of her life. Sobhraj, on the other hand, is still alive and serving out his sentence in Nepal.

What happened to Monique from The Serpent?

Leclerc was originally sentenced to life in prison in India. An Indian high court, however, overturned the conviction and allowed Leclerc to return to Canada. She was by then diagnosed with cancer. She died in Levis in April 1984.