Is Desert Bus a real game?

In Desert Bus, an unreleased video game from 1995 conceived by the American illusionists and entertainers Penn Jillette and Teller, players must complete that journey in real time.

What is the point of Desert Bus?

Desert Bus It is the most notorious minigame in the actual game. The objective of the game is to drive a bus from Tucson, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada, in real time at a maximum speed of 45 mph (72 km/h). The feat requires eight hours of continuous play in real time to complete.

Why was Desert Bus made?

American entertainer Teller and his partner Penn Jillette came up with the idea for their video game Desert Bus as a satire against the anti-video game lobbying of the early 90s, Teller told The New Yorker in a recent interview. Desert Bus was created in 1995 and never saw an official release.

Who made Desert Bus?

Absolute Entertainment
Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors/Developers

Can you stop in Desert Bus?

The bus can only reach 45 miles an hour and pulls to the right ever so slightly. The only things you’re likely to see while on the road (besides the desert floras) are a few scattered bus stops, which you can stop at and open the door of the bus.

How many miles is Desert Bus?

The aim of Desert Bus is to drive from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada. The full trip is 360 miles long, which must be completed without stopping. The bus can only reach 45 miles an hour and pulls to the right ever so slightly.

Can you stop in desert bus VR?

Apparently you can stop the bus for a couple minutes, but eventually the battery WILL die if left inactive for too long, at which point you WILL be towed.

How long can you stop in Desert Bus?

You can’t exceed 45 mph, you can’t pause the game, and because the bus’ alignment is slightly off, you have to keep your eyes on the road and constantly adjust. For eight hours. It’s as dull as it sounds and in 2013, The New Yorker dubbed it “the very worst video game ever created.”

How long is desert bus VR?

Desert Bus is back and better than ever! The 1998 Penn and Teller cult hit mini-game is coming to virtual reality, so you can fully immerse yourself in the thrilling eight-hour trip from Arizona to Nevada. It’s almost like you’re driving the “wheel” thing!

Is the long drive infinite?

This is a road trip game in an almost infinite random generated desert. The focus is on freedom, driving, exploration and immersion. It has minimal car maintenance and survival elements.

Why did the long drive end?

The romantic era of the long drive and the cowboy came to an end when two harsh winters in 1885-1886 and 1886-1887, followed by two dry summers, killed 80 to 90 percent of the cattle on the Plains. As a result, corporate-owned ranches replaced individually owned ranches.