Is gout secondary to hypertension?

For instance, certain kinds of medication taken for hypertension can lead to uric acid buildup. If you had a direct service connection for high blood pressure, you can potentially file for a secondary for gout.

What labs are elevated with gout?

Uric acid blood test A high level of uric acid could mean you have gout. A uric acid level in the blood between 3.5 and 7.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) is considered normal for most people.

What is secondary gout?

Secondary gout refers to the presence of a recognized cause or precipitating factor, such as lymphoma (especially following chemotherapy), the excessive use of alcohol, or the use of diuretics (see Pathogenesis below).

Why does hypertension lead to gout?

Studies have shown that the presence of hypertension is independently associated with the risk of incident gout2 through reduced renal blood flow with increased renal and systemic vascular resistance and decreased renal excretion of urate.

How does uric acid cause hypertension?

Classically, the proposed mechanism whereby uric acid can cause hypertension relates to its primary deleterious effects on the kidney. These mechanisms include the activation of the intrarenal renin–angiotensin system and the deposition of urate crystals in the urinary lumen.

What are differential diagnosis for gout?

The main differential diagnosis (Table 2) of acute gout is pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease) and septic arthritis.

What is secondary hyperuricemia?

Abstract. Hyperuricemia caused secondly from acquired disorders which affect production or excretion of uric acid is defined as secondary hyperuricemia.

Is primary or secondary gout more common?

1. Primary gout: 90% of all cases; usually idiopathic, but several known genetic defects cause elevated uric acid levels. 2. Secondary gout: 10% of cases; elevated uric acid is attributable to some other disorder (e.g., excessive breakdown of cells or renal disease).