Is interrater reliability measured with an ICC?

The inter-rater reliability as expressed by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) measures the degree to which the instrument used is able to differentiate between participants indicated by two or more raters that reach similar conclusions (Liao et al., 2010; Kottner et al., 2011).

How do you calculate inter-rater correlation?

Inter-Rater Reliability Methods

  1. Count the number of ratings in agreement. In the above table, that’s 3.
  2. Count the total number of ratings. For this example, that’s 5.
  3. Divide the total by the number in agreement to get a fraction: 3/5.
  4. Convert to a percentage: 3/5 = 60%.

What does intraclass correlation tell you?

In statistics, the intraclass correlation, or the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), is a descriptive statistic that can be used when quantitative measurements are made on units that are organized into groups. It describes how strongly units in the same group resemble each other.

What does intraclass correlation measure?

What is a good intraclass correlation?

The ICC is a value between 0 and 1, where values below 0.5 indicate poor reliability, between 0.5 and 0.75 moderate reliability, between 0.75 and 0.9 good reliability, and any value above 0.9 indicates excellent reliability [14].

Can Cronbach’s alpha be used for inter rater reliability?

If more than two raters are used, Cronbach’s alpha correlation coefficient could be used to compute interrater reliability. An acceptable level for Cronbach’s alpha is.

Is ICC the same as kappa?

Though both measure inter-rater agreement (reliability of measurements), Kappa agreement test is used for categorical variables, while ICC is used for continuous quantitative variables.

What are the types of ICC?

There are several different versions of an ICC that can be calculated, depending on the following three factors: Model: One-Way Random Effects, Two-Way Random Effects, or Two-Way Mixed Effects. Type of Relationship: Consistency or Absolute Agreement. Unit: Single rater or the mean of raters.

What is the difference between Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson correlation?

For example, Cronbach Alpha is usually equated with internal consistency, whereas Pearson correlation coefficient is strongly associated with test–retest reliability. It is important to point out that reliability should be construed conceptually rather than computationally.