Is it break or brake?

Break is about making something broken, or destroying something so that it doesn’t work or is in pieces. Brake is about coming to a stop while operating a car, bicycle, or other vehicle.

What is the meaning of break brake?

Break. Brake. Meaning. Break means to cause something to separate into pieces, either by violently hitting it or dropping it. Brake refers to a device used to reduce the speed of a moving vehicle or to stop it by pressing it.

How do you use break and brake in a sentence?

Sample Sentences: Break vs. Brake Practice

  1. It’s time for my lunch break/brake.
  2. What time will we break/brake for the day?
  3. Don’t drive with your foot on the break/brake.
  4. You need to lightly press the break/brake in order to slow down.
  5. The doctor said that I’m lucky that I didn’t break/brake my ankle.

What is the homophone word for brake?

‘Brake’ or ‘Break’? The homophones brake and break sound identical and occupy the same parts of speech, but have very different definitions. Brake can function as a noun (“a device used to prevent the motion of something”) and can also be used as a verb (“to apply a brake on a vehicle”).

What is a sentence for break?

break in/into something She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces. The boat hit a rock and broke in half. She fell off a ladder and broke her arm. break something in/into something He broke the chocolate in two.

What is a sentence for brake?

Brake sentence example. It is sometimes necessary to use water to keep the brake wheel cool. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the brake lights of the woman’s car as she drove down the driveway. Some drivers report typical brake performance.

What are the brakes used for?

What is the brake in a car? A brake is a mechanical device that inhibits motion by absorbing energy from a moving system. It is used for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, wheel, axle, or to prevent its motion, most often accomplished by means of friction.

How do you use brake in a sentence?

He suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped at once.

  1. The brake cable needs tightening up.
  2. He is repairing the brake lever of an automobile.
  3. I had to brake suddenly, and the car behind ran into me.
  4. The harder the brake pedal is pressed, the greater the car’s deceleration.

What do you mean by break?

1 : to separate into parts especially suddenly or forcibly break a stick break into groups. 2 : to cause (a bone) to separate into two or more pieces. 3 : to stop working or cause to stop working because of damage or wear I broke my watch. 4 : to fail to keep broke the law break a promise.