Is Sendai safe from radiation?

Many of you are very concerned about radioactive contamination in Sendai and the Tohoku region due to the Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Incident. The air radiation level in Sendai and other cities of the Tohoku region are not high when compared to other cities around the world.

Is it safe to visit Sendai?

Generally speaking, there is no need to worry too much about your safety in Sendai. It is a city in which violent crime happens rarely and if it happens, it is not against tourists. Females are free to walk alone, and their journey is in most cases trouble-free.

Is Tokyo still radioactive?

It is safe to travel to Japan as radiation levels in most parts, including Tokyo, are within the normal range of background radiation.

What is Sendai popular for?

Sendai was considered to be one of Japan’s greenest cities, mostly because of its great numbers of trees and plants. Sendai became known as The City of Trees before the Meiji Restoration, after the feudal Sendai Domain encouraged residents to plant trees in their gardens.

What happened to Sendai nuclear plant?

The two-reactor Sendai plant was given priority and was approved by the NRA as meeting both its earthquake and tsunami assumptions in March 2014. An effective safety test pass certificate was issued on July 16 and the draft safety test report was opened to public comments until August 15.

What is the highest level of radiation in Japan?

The highest levels found (of Pu-239 and Pu-240 combined) were 15 becquerels per square meters in Fukushima prefecture and 9.4 Bq in Ibaraki prefecture, compared to a global average of 0.4 to 3.7 Bq/kg from atomic bomb tests.

What was the Japanese radiation warning system SPEEDI?

On 16 March, the Japanese radiation warning system, SPEEDI, indicated high levels of radioactivity would spread further than 30 km from the plant, but Japanese authorities did not relay the information to citizens because “the location or the amount of radioactive leakage was not specified at the time.”

Is there radiation in tea leaves in Japan?

^ “Radiation Detected in Tea Leaves in Japan,” Wall Street Journal (US). 11 May 2011; Krolicki, Kevin and Kiyoshi Takenaka.