Is the product of two integers always positive?

Answer: The product of two integers can either be positive, negative, or zero. To carry out the multiplication of two integers: Multiply their signs and get the resultant sign.

Why is the product of two integers an integer?

y+x=x+y=x−(−y′) is the difference of two naturals and therefore an integer. xy=x(−y′)=−(xy′) is the negative of the product of two naturals so is an integer. x−y=x+y′ the sum of two naturals and thus an integer.

Is the product of two negative integers is positive?

Answer: Yes the product of two negative integer is always positive.

Why is the product of 2 negative numbers always positive?

The fact that the product of two negatives is a positive is therefore related to the fact that the inverse of the inverse of a positive number is that positive number back again.

What is the product of two integers?

Step by Step Explanation: We know that integers are closed with respect to multiplication. This means that on multiplying two integers we get the result as an integer. Thus, the product of two integers is always an integer.

What is the product of 2 negative integers?

positive integer
The product of two negative integers is a positive integer. Example: (-2)×(-2) = +4.

Why is the product of two numbers positive?

When you multiply two negative numbers or two positive numbers then the product is always positive. 3 times 4 equals 12. Since there is one positive and one negative number, the product is negative 12. Now we have two negative numbers, so the result is positive.

What is the product of two negative integers?

Are integers positive and negative numbers?

Whole numbers, figures that do not have fractions or decimals, are also called integers. They can have one of two values: positive or negative. Positive integers have values greater than zero. Negative integers have values less than zero.

What is the product of a positive and negative numbers?

Rule 1: The product of a negative integer and a positive integer is a negative integer. Rule 2: The product of two positive integers or two negative integers is a positive integer. That means if you multiply two OF the same sign numbers, the product is always positive.

What do you call the product of a positive integer?

factorial, in mathematics, the product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given positive integer and denoted by that integer and an exclamation point.