Is turkesterone a ecdysteroid?

Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid that has demonstrated incredible results since it was introduced to the supplement industry. A substance dubbed a “natural anabolic agent” has been marketed to athletes in order to help them gain strength and muscle mass.

Is ecdysteroid a steroid?

Ecdysteroids (zooecdysteroids) are steroid hormones that control moulting and reproduction of arthropods.

Does ecdysterone increase testosterone?

How does it work? Ecdysterone is similar in structure to the male hormone testosterone, but there’s no evidence that it works like testosterone in people.

What does ecdysterone do to the body?

These studies found that ecdysterone might increase work capacity, decrease fat mass, and increase lean muscle mass.

Is 1000mg of Turkesterone good?

There doesn’t appear to be any serious side effects from Turkesterone use and few if any published toxicology studies. Anecedotal evidence suggests doses up to 1000mg daily and perhaps even up to 2000mg are safe in humans.

What is Turkesterone made of?

Turkesterone is a phytoecdysteroid possessing an 11α-hydroxyl group. It is an analogue of the insect steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone.

How long does ecdysterone stay in your system?

Ecdysterone was the most abundant analyte present in post-administration urine samples, detected for more than 2 days, with a maximum concentra- tion (Cmax) in the 2.8–8.5 h urine (Cmax = 4.4–30.0 µg/mL).

Does ecdysterone increase blood pressure?

5 Pharmacological effects of ecdysterone It has been shown that phytoecdysteroids do not increase blood pressure, have estrogenic, antiestrogenic and androgenic effects, and do not incite virilization [10].

Is ecdysterone real?

As we mentioned above, ecdysterone (20-hydroxyecdysone) is a naturally occurring steroid found in plants, belonging to a family of compounds called ecdysteroids.

How does Turkesterone build muscle?

Turkesterone may help build muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis (MPS). This increase in MPS also can support faster recovery times and improve endurance/strength. † But it won’t do all the work. You’ll still need to train hard and eat well towards your goal to see benefits.