Is YFU a good program?

After conducting thorough research, we concluded that YFU was the safest program around with their intricate layers of support for both the student and natural family. During my exchange, YFU ensured that I was safe, comfortable, and ready to learn.

How much does YFU cost?

between $8,000 and $17,000 per year
Your American high school will charge you separately for the school tuition and other fees associated with school activities. The YFU program fee varies depending on the country which you are from, but generally ranges between $8,000 and $17,000 per year, and may include international airfare.

Where is YFU located?

At that time, the role of YFU was to procure home placements and to provide supervision. The organization’s offices were moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, a university town located west of Detroit.

Is Youth for Understanding good?

Youth For Understanding – YFU has remained a trusted leader of intercultural student exchange programs for more than 70 years because of its commitment to safety, reputation for quality, and exceptional support services.

How competitive is the CBYX program?

The admission rate to the scholarship is very low, since the program is seen as one of the most prestigious scholarships that High School Students can earn. In recent years, the admission rate to the program was less than two percent. The scholarship is earned in a competitive multi-stage process.

What does YFU stand for?

Also found in: Wikipedia. Acronym. Definition. YFU. Youth For Understanding.

Can 16 year olds study abroad?

Answer: Your options to study abroad are quite limited before you have graduated from high school, and you would need your own funding to pay for your studies and living costs.

Is CBYX prestigious?

CBYX-YP is a prestigious fellowship that provides 75 young professionals from the U.S. an opportunity to spend one year in Germany studying, interning, and living with hosts on a cultural immersion program.