What are DNIS digits?

A dialed number Identification service (DNIS) is a service offered by telecom providers to their commercial customers, letting them know what number was dialed for each incoming call. The data is sent as a series of touch tone digits along with the call and interpreted at the destination by the PBX.

What is VDN in telecom?

A vector directory number (VdN) is an extension on an automatic call distributor that directs an incoming call to a “vector”—a user-defined sequence of functions that may be performed, such as routing the call to a destination, giving a busy signal, or playing a recorded message.

What is VDN in Avaya CM?

VDN – Vector Directory Number An extension number that enables calls to connect to a vector for processing. This is a soft extension number that is not assigned to a physical equipment location. A VDN has several properties that are administered by the System Manager.

What is vector Avaya?

A call vector is a set of commands in an Avaya communications system that provides call flow. A vector can contain up to 32 steps and is used to provide customized call routing, play announcements, route calls to both internal and external destinations, and collect digits to respond to dialed information.

What is ANI and DNIS?

ANI identifies the phone number associated with the caller. While DNIS may be useful for your business and its marketing efforts, ANI is more useful for billing purposes and is often used by carriers to determine who made a call, when it was made, and for how long. DNIS shows the number that was dialed.

What is the difference between the ANI and DNIS of a phone call?

DNIS and ANI are designed to provide the recipient of a phone call with more information about the incoming connection. DNIS tells the number that was originally dialed (which may differ from the end phone number due to call forwarding), while ANI tells the number of the phone setting up the connection.

What is split in call center?

split. An automatic call distributor routing division that allows calls arriving on specific trunks or calls of certain transaction types to be answered by specific groups of employees.

How do I remove Avaya vector?

  1. Step 1: Queuing a call to the main split.
  2. Step 2: Providing feedback and delay announcement.
  3. Step 3: Repeating delay announcement and feedback.
  4. Step 4: Queuing a call to a backup split.
  5. Step 5: Limiting the queue capacity.
  6. Step 6: Checking for non business hours.
  7. About duplicate VDNs.
  8. Creating duplicate VDNs.

What is VRT in Avaya?

About Vector Routing Tables (VRT)

What is ANI verification?

Automatic Number Identification (ANI) is the automatic determination of the caller’s telephone number on a call, including for billing purposes.

What is the difference between ANI and Caller ID?

What’s the difference between ANI and Caller ID? ANI is the BTN associated with the telephone and is the direct number from where you are calling from. Caller ID is usually the BTN but occasionally can be incorrect, i.e. the main number of a business instead of the actual number being called from.