What are EMV tags?

“EMV Tags” are usually mile-long alpha-numeric strings in a BER-TLV format. “TLV” or as it might be referred to as “SIMPLE-TLV” stands for “Tag Length Value”.

What is EMV tag 9F27?

Generally speaking, 9F27 will have a (hex) value of 80, 40, or 00, which translates (respectively) to ARQC, TC, or AAC. These, in turn, mean “go online,” “approved,” or “declined.” It’s important to understand that these values only represent the card’s advice.

What is CDOL1?

Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) List of data objects (tag and length) to be passed to the ICC in the first GENERATE AC command. ICC.

How do offline pins work?

During an offline PIN cardholder verification, the PIN entered into the terminal or PIN pad is sent to the card. The card’s microprocessor then returns one of two answers: if the entered PIN and the stored PIN are the same, the card sends a confirmation signal; if they are different, the card sends a failure signal.

What is issuer authentication?

The 16- to 32-character Issuer Authentication Data field contains data delivered to the chip card including the ARPC cryptogram for online issuer authentication. The data is in the format required by the card. The Issuer Application Data value subfield is formatted in ASCII coded binary format.

What is EMV payment processing?

EMV is a payment method based on a technical standard for smart payment cards and for payment terminals and automated teller machines which can accept them. EMV stands for “Europay, Mastercard, and Visa”, the three companies that created the standard.

What is a ARQC?

This service provides EMV Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC) and Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC) transaction processing. An ARQC is generated by the EMV card upon request from the point of sales terminal to obtain authorization for payment.

What does ARQC stand for?


Acronym Definition
ARQC Authorisation Request Cryptogram