What are Envers?

The Envers module is a core Hibernate model that works both with Hibernate and JPA. In fact, you can use Envers anywhere Hibernate works whether that is standalone, inside WildFly or JBoss AS, Spring, Grails, etc. The Envers module aims to provide an easy auditing / versioning solution for entity classes.

How Hibernate Envers works?

Hibernate Envers provides a very simple solution for CDC (Change Data Capture). It uses the Hibernate Event system to intercept all entity state transitions and audit them. The database transaction will roll back and both the actual changes and the audit log is rolled back.

What is @audited in hibernate?

The Envers project aims to enable easy auditing of persistent classes. All that you have to do is annotate your persistent class or some of its properties, that you want to audit, with @Audited . For each audited entity, a table will be created, which will hold the history of changes made to the entity.

What is the use of @EnableJpaRepositories?

Spring Data Jpa provides EnableJpaRepositories annotation which is used to scan the packages for configuration and repository class for Spring Data JPA.

How do you audit a spring boot?

  1. Introduction to Auditing.
  2. Create the Auditable Class.
  3. Step 1: create an abstract class class Auditable.
  4. Step 2: Annotate the fields with annotations of the same name with the field.
  5. Step 3: Annotate the class with @MappedSuperclass annotation.
  6. Step 4: Annotate the class with @EntityListener annotation.

What is difference between spring boot and Spring framework?

In the Spring framework, you have to build configurations manually. In Spring Boot there are default configurations that allow faster bootstrapping. Spring Framework requires a number of dependencies to create a web app. Spring Boot, on the other hand, can get an application working with just one dependency.

What is REST API in spring boot?

Spring Boot is a Java framework, built on top of the Spring, used for developing web applications. It allows you to create REST APIs with minimal configurations. A few benefits of using Spring Boot for your REST APIs include: No requirement for complex XML configurations.