What are orthodontia benefits?

Orthodontic treatment can improve dental health as it improves your looks. Straight, well-aligned teeth are easier to clean and maintain. Correcting orthodontic problems can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss.

What does orthodontia maximum mean?

Unlike most insurance coverage, which has annual maximum benefits that renew each year, orthodontic benefits are usually lifetime maximums. This means that once you use the benefit, there is no more, and it will not renew.

What is the difference between Premier and PPO?

Since our Premier network is slightly larger than our PPO network, it acts like a “safety net” to ensure you can access in-network care. It’s kind of like a network within a network. If you have a PPO plan and visit a Delta Dental Premier dentist, you will not maximize your out-of-pocket cost savings.

What is two-phase orthodontic treatment?

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a specialized process that combines tooth straightening and physical, facial changes. The purpose of two-phase treatment is to maximize the opportunity to accomplish the ideal healthy, functional, and aesthetic result that will remain stable throughout your child’s life.

What is included in orthodontia?

Orthodontia is the branch of dentistry that deals with abnormalities of the teeth and jaw. Orthodontic care involves the use of devices, such as braces, to: Straighten teeth. Correct problems with bite.

What is considered orthodontic work?

What does premier provider mean?

Premier Provider means a Content Provider which has a prominent listing in the Service, a graphic icon and a graphic promotional element.

What is the best age for orthodontic treatment?

In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that kids get their first orthodontic evaluation around age seven. Early treatment, or interceptive care, gives your child the best chance at lifelong oral health.