What are Recovery slogans?

Here Are 42 of Our Favorite Motivational Sayings

  • A smooth sea never made a good sailor.
  • The disease is progressive. So is recovery.
  • Progress, not perfection.
  • Keep it simple, stupid (KISS)
  • Turn I Wish into I Will.
  • Nothing is so bad a drink won’t make it worse.
  • When in doubt – don’t.
  • Small steps forward are still steps.

What is the Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer?

The Full Serenity Prayer To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Forever and ever in the next.

What does take my will and my life mean?

It is an active choice I make to surrender my old actions and behaviors (take my will and my life), in exchange for direction in fulfilling my potential (guide me in my recovery), and claim the life I threw away through the use of drugs because of my pain and fear (show me how to live).

What is the alcoholic prayer?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. Our Fellowship’s Serenity Prayer can be recited either in the first (I, me) or third (us, we) person.

What does step 3 na mean?

Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him. The journey of recovery has allowed us to embrace a new way of thinking and living, with use of the Spiritual Principles found in the Twelve Steps of AA and NA.

What is the third step prayer in Narcotics Anonymous?

NA Third Step Prayer “Take my will and my life, guide me in my recovery, show me how to live.”

What is the alcoholic pledge?

This pledge card, signed by Theobald as president of the society, presents the pledge: “I promise to abstain from all intoxicating drinks, except used medicinally and by order of a medical man, and to discountenance the cause and practice of intemperance.” An illustration on one side of the card depicts a scene warning …