What are some good feature articles?

A feature article should,

  • Explore a topic or issue of current importance.
  • Follows narratorial conventions (i.e. There is a plot, complication, and conclusion)
  • Written in short paragraphs.
  • Combine facts and opinions.
  • Provide a perspective or angle about the topic or issue.
  • Includes catchy features (eg.

What are feature articles?

A feature article is a news story that goes beyond the facts to weave in a narrative and tell a compelling story. A feature article differs from a hard news story as it offers an in-depth look at a particular subject, current event, or location to audiences.

What are the 6 types of feature articles?

Conclusion. The seven different types of features in journalism are profile, round-up, how-to, personal experience, review, travelogue, and obituary articles.

How do I find a feature article?

  1. People Around You. You would not even believe how much inspiration you can get just by interacting with other people.
  2. Local Newspapers.
  3. Niche Exhibitions and Shows.
  4. Your Own Curiosity.
  5. Online Researches and Studies.
  6. Newsletters for High-Quality Feature Story Ideas.
  7. Journal Alerts.
  8. Blogs.

How do you write a good feature article?

Five tips on how to write a feature article:

  1. 1) Find the right market. A good writer begins by finding the right audience for their work before developing the content.
  2. 2) Develop a strong angle.
  3. 3) Keep it factual.
  4. 4) Provide added value.
  5. 5) Edit your work.

What is the most common type of feature article?

Human-Interest Feature Most common type of feature article.

What are the types of feature article?

Types of Feature Stories in Journalism

  • News Feature.
  • Informative Feature.
  • Personality Sketches.
  • Personal Experience Story.
  • Human Interest Feature Story.
  • Historical Feature.
  • Interpretative Feature.
  • Popularized Scientific Feature.

How many sentences are in a feature article?

Keep your paragraphs short. In most cases, two or three sentences per paragraph is sufficient. Long paragraphs tend to look intimidating to readers. Use short sentences.

What is an example of a feature article?

If you’ve just moved, you never know what surprising or unexpected items old tenants might leave behind — or what niche features the former home of a hobbyist might include. From homes with giant chess boards to a full-on replica of a space command center, AT readers have seen it all when it comes to bewildering home finds.

What is a good feature article?

– Good Housekeeping is a trusted source on everything to million of women – Magazine provided their readers with information about sex aids in early 2000s – Lindsay Nicholson who edited for 18 years, is delighted with record sales figures

What makes a feature article?

News. Any time you browse your favorite news outlet,you’re bombarded with news stories. So,how is a news report different from a news feature?

  • Profile. Then,we have the profile.
  • Trend. A trend feature will highlight something new and exciting in modern culture.
  • Live-In. Live-in features are “day in the life” stories.
  • What are examples of feature stories?

    News Feature. The news feature is just what the name implies: a feature article that focuses on a topic in the news.

  • Profile. A profile is an article about an individual,such as a politician,celebrity,athlete,or CEO.
  • Spot Feature. Spot features are feature stories produced on deadline that focus on a breaking news event.
  • Trend.
  • Live-In.