What are standardized tests in occupational therapy?

Standardized tests, while not required by law, provide reliable and evidence based methods of examining discrete abilities or skills to identify or rule out the possible factors that contribute to a child’s ability to participate in the general education curriculum.

What assessments can a COTA do?

What a COTA Can Do

  • Daily living skills.
  • Sensorimotor skills.
  • Gross and fine coordination.
  • Strength and endurance.
  • Range of motion.
  • Tactile awareness.
  • Cognitive skills.
  • Psychosocial skills.

Can otas score assessments?

An OTA can state or write observations but cannot make an evaluation or determine a need for occupational therapy services. This must be determined by an OT. The OT interprets the information provided by the OTA and integrates that information into the evaluation and decision-making process.

Why is observation important in occupational therapy?

Background: Occupational therapists routinely use observation for evaluation, intervention planning, and prediction of a client’s occupational performance and/or safety within the environment. Perception of safety contributes to the decision-making process for discharge or placement recommendations.

What is the difference between standardized and nonstandardized tests?

In standardized testing, measurement error (a consistent pattern of errors and biases in scoring the test) is easy to determine in standardized testing. In non-standardized assessment, graders have more individual discretion and therefore are more likely to produce unfair results through unconscious bias.

Can an OTA administer a standardized assessment?

However, if permitted by the relevant state practice act, the OTA may provide additional information on the client’s performance or administer some standardized assessments once service competency has been demonstrated.

Can a COTA administer the MocA?

Currently, any clinician, health professional, or worker can administer, score, and interpret the MocA should be trained and certified.

What are clinical observations in occupational therapy?

The primary purpose of clinical observations is to allow the therapist to use clinical judgment to analyze a child’s performance in relationship to sensory processing as informed by evolving theory and research (Blanche & Reinoso, 2008).

What is the occupational therapy process?

The Occupational Therapy Intervention Process Model is a model that guides therapists to use top-down, client-centered, and occupational-based approaches to assessment and intervention. In this model, assessment begins with an initial referral or a chart review.