What are Teradata Utilities?

Teradata load and unload utilities offer a powerful solution for managing all your data load requirements from batch to real-time. Teradata load and unload utilities are fully parallel to provide optimal and scalable performance for getting data in and out of your Teradata Database.

What is TPT utility in Teradata?

Teradata Parallel Transporter aka TPT is new generation utility tool aim to create one stop tool for all the activities related to loading and exporting of date from/to Teradata database. Teradata advise to prefer TPT over existing utilities such as fastload, fastexport, multiload & tpump.

How do I use Teradata utilities?

Teradata PT replaces the Teradata Utilities….Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide.

Teradata PT Operator Utility Equivalent Purpose
Load operator FastLoad Loads an empty table (high-volume load)
MultiLoad INMOD Adapter operator MultiLoad INMOD Routine Reads and preprocesses data from a MultiLoad INMOD data source

What are the types of tables in Teradata?

Teradata – Table Types

  • Derived Table.
  • Volatile Table.
  • Global Temporary Table.

What is MultiLoad in Teradata?

Advertisements. MultiLoad can load multiple tables at a time and it can also perform different types of tasks such as INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE and UPSERT. It can load up to 5 tables at a time and perform up to 20 DML operations in a script. The target table is not required for MultiLoad.

What is UV table in Teradata?

The first (ET) error table is primarily for errors detected during the Acquisition phase. The second (UV) error table is for most errors detected during the Application phase. In general, this would include Uniqueness or other Constraint violations, or overflow on anything other than PI fields.

Which utility is faster in Teradata?

Teradata FastLoad utility establishes multiple session i.e., one session per AMP by default, does not use any transient journal during operation, and transfer data using block rather than row to load data into the table. That’s why it is so fast.

What is set and MULTISET tables in Teradata?

Set Versus Multiset Teradata classifies the tables as SET or MULTISET tables based on how the duplicate records are handled. A table defined as SET table doesn’t store the duplicate records, whereas the MULTISET table can store duplicate records. CREATE TABLE command is used to create tables in Teradata.

What is GTT in Teradata?

16.10 – Global Temporary Tables – Teradata Database.

What is index in Teradata?

Advertisements. Primary index is used to specify where the data resides in Teradata. It is used to specify which AMP gets the data row. Each table in Teradata is required to have a primary index defined. If the primary index is not defined, Teradata automatically assigns the primary index.

What is FastExport in Teradata?

FastExport utility is used to export data from Teradata tables into flat files. It can also generate the data in report format. Data can be extracted from one or more tables using Join. Since FastExport exports the data in 64K blocks, it is useful for extracting large volume of data.

How do you call a TPT script?

I am not sure what the -d option is, or why you would want to use it, but the tbuild command takes the script file as an input argument using the -f command line option. Therefore, in a shell script, just specify “tbuild -f ” in a shell script.

How do I view TPT logs?

tlogview: This command can be used to retrieve logs generated by running TPT job.

  1. Syntax1: Retrieve logs. tlogview -j [jobid]
  2. Syntax2: Retrieve Private logs. tlogview -j [jobid] -f [private_log_name]

What is error tables in Teradata?

Error tables are MULTISET tables by default to avoid the expense of duplicate row checks. You cannot change an error table to be a SET table. Error tables have the same fallback properties as their associated data table. Teradata Database copies the data types of data table columns to the error table.

What is fallback in Teradata?

Fallback protects the table data by storing the second copy of rows of a table on another AMP called as Fallback AMP. If one AMP fails, then the fallback rows are accessed. With this, even if one AMP fails, data is still available through fallback AMP.

What is difference between set table and MULTISET table?