What are the 10 examples of antonyms?

Examples of graded antonyms include:

  • young — elderly.
  • hard — easy.
  • happy — wistful.
  • wise — foolish.
  • fat — slim.
  • warm — cool.
  • early — late.
  • fast — slow.

What are the 20 example of antonyms?

Antonym Examples

achieve – fail giant – dwarf random – specific
arrogant – humble knowledge – ignorance single – married
attack – defend liquid – solid sunny – cloudy
blunt – sharp marvelous – terrible timid – bold
brave – cowardly noisy – quiet toward – away

What are the 50 examples of antonyms examples?

50 examples of Antonyms

  • monarchy and democracy.
  • good and bad.
  • truth and lie.
  • enemy and friend.
  • love and hate.
  • antonym and synonym.
  • hi and bye.
  • happy and sad.

What is a good sentence for antonym?

Use “antonym” in a sentence | “antonym” sentence examples. 1, Two antonyms of ‘light’ are ‘dark’ and ‘heavy’. 2, ” Long ” is the antonym of’short “. 3, ‘Old’ has two possible antonyms: ‘young’ and ‘new’.

What are the 100 examples of antonyms?

List of 100 antonyms

  • Artificial – Natural.
  • Arrive – Depart.
  • Argue – Agree.
  • All – None.
  • Amateur – Professional.
  • Alive – Dead.
  • Advanced – Elementary.
  • Adult – Child.

What are antonyms give examples?

An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, the word small means of limited size, while big means of large size. Happy, a feeling of gladness, is an antonym of sad, a feeling of sorrow. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs can all have antonyms, though not all do.

What are the 5 examples of synonyms and antonyms?

Examples of Synonyms and Antonyms

Word Synonym Antonym
Optimistic Bright, Promising Pessimistic
Boisterous Lively, Exuberant Quire, Restrained
Inept Incompetent, Unskilled Competant
Soothe Ease, Relieve Aggravate