What are the arts and crafts of the Northwest Coast?

Arts and crafts Northwest Indian artists are best known for include basketry (including distinctive basket hats and capes), intricate woodcarving (especially ceremonial masks and majestic totem poles), and weavings (including the unusual Chilkat blankets).

What is the name of the Northwest Coast cultures specific art style?

Civilization.ca – Haida – Haida art – North coast art style. Many features of what is recognized as the north coast art style are shared by the Haida and their mainland neighbours, the Tsimshian to the east and the Tlingit to the north. This is particularly true of flat designs, which use formlines and ovoids.

What kind of art did the Coast Salish make?

Historical Coast Salish art Works of art in the form of carved bone, stone, horn and basketry have been found and dated back to 5,000 years ago.

Did the Northwest Coast people make pottery?

Little pottery has been recovered from the region as yet, but stone carvings are very well known. Two later cultures north of this site, which have yielded a more generous quantity of art objects, are Calima, known for its goldwork, and Quimbaya, whose gold and pottery are both important cultural indicators.

What are a few of the distinctive features of Northwest Coast Aboriginal art?

Not all animal representations in Northwest Coast art are crests. Common crest-bearing artifacts are totem poles, painted house fronts and screens (room dividers), ceremonial robes and headdresses, staffs, feast dishes, spoons and ladles.

What were the two main types of art from the Pacific Northwest?

Crests, spiritual beings, legendary creatures like thunderbirds, along with natural forms like bears, ravens, eagles, whales, are common subjects in Northwest Coast art. Traditional methods like carving and weaving have grown to include sculpture, fine metalsmithing, and printmaking.

What type of art did the Haida do?

The Haida were widely known for their art and architecture, both of which focused on the creative embellishment of wood. They decorated utilitarian objects with depictions of supernatural and other beings in a highly conventionalized style. They also produced elaborate totem poles with carved and painted crests.