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What are the attributes of UL tag in HTML?

Specific Attributes

Attribute Value Description
type disc circle square Deprecated − Specifies the style of the bullet.
compact compact Deprecated − Defines if compact rendering is required.

What does

unordered list of

    HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

What is UL tag explain with its attribute?

An unordered list is a list of items. The list items are marked with bullets (typically small black circles). To make an unnumbered, bulleted list, Start with an opening list

    (for unnumbered list) tag Enter the

  • (list item) tag followed by the individual item; no closing
  • tag is needed.

What are the attributes of unordered list?

The bullet style on an individual list item can be suggested using the TYPE attribute of LI….UL – Unordered List.

Attribute Specifications TYPE=[ disc | square | circle ] (bullet style) COMPACT (compact display) common attributes
Contents One or more LI elements

What is UL and IL?

Unordered lists ( UL ), ordered lists ( OL ), and list items ( LI )

What is the attribute of unordered list?

The UL element defines an unordered list. The element contains one or more LI elements that define the actual items of the list. Unlike with an ordered list (OL), the items of an unordered list have no sequence.

What is unordered list HTML?

An unordered list typically is a bulleted list of items. HTML 3.0 gives you the ability to customise the bullets, to do without bullets and to wrap list items horizontally or vertically for multicolumn lists. The opening list tag must be


How many attributes does an unordered list have?

To figure the unordered list, there are three primary types of attributes for this unordered element.

What are the attributes of list tag?


Attribute Value Description
value number Only for

    lists. Specifies the start value of a list item. The following list items will increment from that number

What is difference between UL and Li?


  • HTML element is used to represent an item in a list
  • . It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (

      ), an unordered list (

        ), or a menu ( ). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points.

    What does ul mean in HTML?

    When writing in HTML, the tag is a block element used to designate an unordered list. It is useful for creating bulleted lists, those where the order of the items is arbitrary. The following sections contain information about the tag, including an example of it in use, and related attributes and browser compatibility.

    What is ul style HTML?

    Use the HTML element to define an unordered list.

  • Use the CSS list-style-type property to define the list item marker.
  • Use the HTML element to define an ordered list.
  • Use the HTML type attribute to define the numbering type.
  • Use the HTML element to define a list item.
  • What are the attributes of HTML?

    While unvaccinated individuals continued to account for a majority (66.4 percent) of new cases, the number of “breakthrough” infections among the vaccinated was increasing, attributed to waning immunity from older vaccinations.

    What are UL tags?

    What is a UL Tag? An unordered or unnumbered list tag, better known in shorthand as the UL tag, provides a way for web page designers to display and group text on web pages as indented and bulleted lists. UL tags are used in hypertext markup languages ( HTML) pages and as a style element defined in a cascading style sheet ( CSS ).