What are the disadvantages of a company limited by guarantee?


  • There will be costs and expenses to set the company up and administer it.
  • There are ongoing filing requirements at Companies House, and someone will need to take responsibility for this.
  • It can be difficult to keep track of members who may move to a new house or otherwise can’t be contacted.

What is the meaning of a company limited by guarantee?

A company limited by Guarantee is often referred to as a ‘not for profit’ or ‘Charitable company’, this refers to the fact the parties involved do not remove the profit from the company as shareholders can in a company limited by shares. Any profit made by the company is re-used for the good of the business.

What are the advantages of a company limited by guarantee?

Advantages of Companies Limited by Guarantee:

  • They have legal identities separate from its members.
  • Individual members are almost totally protected against liability.
  • They can buy and sell property in the name of the organisation.
  • They can take or defend legal proceedings in its own name.

Is the company a company limited by guarantee?

Company limited by guarantee is also termed as Guarantee Company. In a simpler term, it’s a company without any shareholders but it is owned by members called guarantors who agrees to pay a nominal amount in the event of company’s being wound up. It’s a specific form used for non-profit organisation.

Can a company limited by guarantee pay its directors?

Company limited by guarantee that prohibits the payment of profits to members, requires any surplus assets on winding up to be given to charity and prohibits the payment of salaries or fees to its directors.

How do I transfer ownership of a limited by guarantee?

Admitting a new member of a company limited by guarantee

  1. 1 Before someone applies to be a new member.
  2. 2 Making an application for membership.
  3. 3 The new member pays any joining fee.
  4. 4 The board approves the new member.
  5. 5 Update the company’s register of members.
  6. 6 Produce a membership certificate.

Who are the owners of a company limited by guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee is owned by individuals and/or corporate bodies known as ‘guarantors’. Guarantors do not have any shares in the company and, generally, they do not take any of the profits.

Who owns the assets of a company limited by guarantee?

Who is the owner of a company limited by guarantee?

Can a director of a company limited by guarantee be paid?

Do companies limited by guarantee have to be audited?

Any one member of a CLG may object and require an audit to be performed pursuant to the Act.