What are the effects of cerebellar hypoplasia?

In an infant or young child, symptoms of a disorder that features cerebellar hypoplasia might include floppy muscle tone, developmental or speech delay, problems with walking and balance, seizures, intellectual disability, and involuntary side to side movements of the eyes.

Does cerebellar hypoplasia cause dizziness?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , because the cerebellum plays an important role in motor coordination, the symptoms of disorders involving cerebellar hypoplasia can include: abnormal eye movements. headaches. dizziness.

Is Pontocerebellar hypoplasia progressive?

Pontocerebellar hypoplasia (PCH) is a heterogeneous group of rare neurodegenerative disorders caused by genetic mutations and characterised by progressive atrophy of various parts of the brain such as the cerebellum or brainstem (particularly the pons).

Is cerebellar hypoplasia in dogs painful?

While there is no cure or treatment for this condition, as your puppy grows-up they will likely learn to compensate for their condition and go on to live a long, happy, and pain free life. Pets with Cerebellar Hypoplasia can often benefit from the use of a dog wheelchair to help support them and keep them mobile.

What happens when you have an underdeveloped cerebellum?

People with this condition have an unusually small and underdeveloped cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that coordinates movement. This brain malformation leads to problems with balance and coordination (ataxia) that become apparent in infancy and remain stable over time.

Does cerebellar hypoplasia worsen?

Cerebellar hypoplasia is apparent at birth and can appear to worsen with age, although in reality,the condition does not actually improve or get worse with time. There is no known cure or proven treatment for this neurological condition.

Is Pontocerebellar hypoplasia life expectancy?

In most cases, the disease is uniformly fatal early in life. Life span has ranged from death in the perinatal period to about 20-25 years of age. Only a few individuals-usually patients with PCH type 2-have survived to the second and third decades of life.

How common is Pontocerebellar hypoplasia?

Frequency. The prevalence of pontocerebellar hypoplasia is unknown, although most forms of the disorder appear to be very rare.

What is the life expectancy of a dog with cerebellar hypoplasia?

There is no treatment for cerebellar hypoplasia. While these signs are permanent, they typically do not worsen and affected dogs have normal lifespans.