What are the ingredients in AntlerMax?

Ingredients: Processed Grain By-Products, Plant Protein Products, Roughage Products, Forage Products, Molasses Products, Grain Products, Calcium Carbonate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate, Salt, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Colored with Iron Oxide, Natural Flavor, Vitamin E Supplement, Zinc Sulfate.

How much protein does deer corn have?

approximately seven to ten percent
In the Texas Hill Country the most popular feed used to supplement the diet of deer is corn, although it is one of the poorest types of deer feed available. Corn is low in protein (approximately seven to ten percent) and high in carbohydrates.

What is the best protein pellet for deer?

The Top 5 Proteins Proven To Grow Big Bucks In The Off Season

  • Tecomate.
  • Double Down Deer Feed.
  • Lyssy & Eckel Feeds.
  • Sportsman’s Choice and Record Rack.
  • Purina AntlerMax Deer 20.

How do you feed Purina AntlerMax?

Feeding Directions Use only as indicated. Feed to deer, elk and exotic deer as a supplement to native habitat or pasture. For best results feed free- choice in a covered trough or self-feeder. If forage becomes limiting, supply good quality legume hay.

What do whitetail deer eat for antler growth?

First thing in the spring have high protein, high energy and highly digestible perennial clovers. Sure a deer could eat winter rye, winter wheat or other browse but the protein levels are 10% higher on perennial clover, alfalfa, chicory and plantain.

Whats the best food for deer?

Feed deer fruits that are found in their natural habitat (apples, grapes, and carrots are all great). Do not feed them citrus or acidic fruits or vegetables. What type of corn should deer be fed? Corn is very hard for deer to digest, so it is recommended to not feed them corn at all.

What is the highest protein food for deer?

Productive, high-protein food plots in peas, beans or lab-lab can provide up to 35 percent protein when properly fertilized and are also very palatable, so your deer are able to digest most of the protein and nutrients that they consume.

Is it worth feeding deer protein?

Why Feed Deer Protein. There is a widespread belief that because deer are herbivores, protein plays a minor role in their growth and development. Some people even believe deer can’t digest or tolerate dietary protein of more than 16 percent. In reality, however, protein is an essential part of a deer’s diet.

What is the best mineral to promote antler growth in deer?

Calcium and phosphorous are the two most common minerals found in hardened antlers, and so it makes sense that they are the best deer minerals for antler growth.

When should I start giving my deer protein?

Summer. Summer is the best time to feed deer protein to grow bigger bucks. The bucks will be ramping up antler growth, while does benefit from the protein while they are nurturing their new fawns.

What food is irresistible to deer?

Food Plots Plants that typically attract deer include red clover, chicory, and orchard grass. Certain high-protein crops, such as peas, soybeans, turnips, alfalfa, sorghum, kale, or corn, are also attractants that the animals enjoy feeding on. Deer like the nutritious nuts that come from chestnuts and acorns as well.

What is the cheapest thing to feed deer?

An inexpensive way to feed deer is with corn. Deer love corn and many hunters rely on it for supplemental feeding. That being said, corn is not an excellent source of protein, which is essential for antler growth and the nursing of fawns.

What can I feed my deer to make them bigger?

How do I make my deer grow bigger antlers?

Providing bucks with high levels of calcium and phosphorous can jumpstart antler growth. These minerals are beneficial for pregnant does, and aid in milk production, metabolism and bone growth. They’re also key to fawn and yearling skeletal development.

Do minerals really grow bigger bucks?

Most “mineral” products marketed to deer hunters absolutely will attract deer but most will NOT “work” to grow bigger antlers no matter the advertising claims attached to them.

Is feeding deer protein worth it?

For many, trophy racks are a primary goal of using high protein deer feed. Protein is undoubtedly the best antler growth supplement. Although genetics and age play significant roles in the development of antlers, supplemental feed for deer antler growth makes a clear difference.

What is the number 1 deer attractant?

Big & J BB2 is the best deer food attractant that we use, but it is more than that. It is not very often that you get to support a company that you can truly be proud to do business with. Big & J is one of those companies.

What should you not feed deer?

Do not feed hay, corn, kitchen scraps, potatoes, lettuce trimmings or any animal proteins from animals rendered into feed. Deer may actually starve when fed supplemental foods during winter if they have a full belly of indigestible foods.

Is dried corn good for deer?

Many articles, presentations, and campfire conversations about deer nutrition state emphatically that corn is not good for deer. In a general sense, this is true because corn is low in protein (9%), has a poor mineral profile, and can cause digestive upset and metabolic problems.

What is the best mineral for antler growth?