What are the steps of the Step Up program?

Five Steps and 3Ds

  • Notice the event. Be aware of your surroundings and what is happening around you.
  • Interpret the event as a problem. Sometimes, we are not sure what we are witnessing.
  • Assume personal responsibility.
  • Know how to help.
  • Step Up!

What are the 3 D’s of Step Up?

Direct – You directly intervene in a situation. Always be safe and carefully consider the best way to intervene. Distract – Create a distraction to interrupt a situation. Diverting attention can be very effective!

What are the 5 steps in the bystander intervention process?

Bystander Intervention

  1. Notice what is happening around you.
  2. Identify when it’s appropriate to intervene.
  3. Recognize personal responsibility for intervention.
  4. Know how to intervene.
  5. Take action to intervene.

What are the three steps to bystander intervention?

Steps to Intervene

  1. Be aware of event around you.
  2. Take responsibility for the well-being of everyone in the community.
  3. Step in and help others.

What are the 5 decision making steps for step up?

Five Decision Making Steps

  1. Notice the Event. It’s easy to miss something you’re not looking for.
  2. Interpret the Event as a Problem. There are 2 factors to consider here:
  3. Assume Personal Responsibility.
  4. Know How to Help.
  5. Implement the Help and Step UP!

How much is a step up?

Step Up awarded scholarships, worth up to averaging between $6,673 to $7,169 depending on grade and county of residence, to 81,206 economically disadvantaged students during the 2021-22 school year.

What are the four D’s of bystander intervention?

How You Can Intervene Safely: When it comes to intervening safely, remember the four Ds – direct, distract, delegate, delay. Call out negative behaviour, tell the person to stop or ask the victim if they are OK.

What are the 5 steps in the decision-making model and give an example?

5 Steps to Good Decision Making

  • Step 1: Identify Your Goal. One of the most effective decision making strategies is to keep an eye on your goal.
  • Step 2: Gather Information for Weighing Your Options.
  • Step 3: Consider the Consequences.
  • Step 4: Make Your Decision.
  • Step 5: Evaluate Your Decision.