What are the three types of digital radiography?

There are three types of digital radiography: direct, semi-direct, and indirect.

What is radiographic noise?

Radiographic noise emerges from two main diagnostic imaging techniques. These are conventional x-ray and digital radiography techniques. There are several different sources of noise that are produced by these imaging techniques. In conventional x-ray techniques, there are two main sources of noise.

What causes image noise in digital radiography?

The primary source of these noise is the secondary radiation which is produced as a result of scattered radiation from the x-ray machine and scattered radiation by an object which reach the film.

How is digital radiography used?

Digital radiography (DR) is an advanced form of x-ray inspection which produces a digital radiographic image instantly on a computer. This technique uses x-ray sensitive plates to capture data during object examination, which is immediately transferred to a computer without the use of an intermediate cassette.

What is the difference between CCD and TFT?

The indirect flat panels are further differentiated into the TFT type and the CCD/CMOS type. In the figure and comparison table we highlight the main differences which are that the CCD/CMOS type require fiber optics and the TFT type uses an array of photodiodes.

What are the two types of digital radiography?

There are two types of digital imaging systems used in intraoral radiography – computed radiography (CR) and direct radiography (DR).

How would you reduce noise on a radiograph?

Noise in plain radiography can be decreased by increasing the mAs which increases the number of photons reaching the detector over the duration of the exposure. If we increase the mAs by N times to the patient, noise decreases by square root N times.

What is quantum noise in radiography?

Quantum noise, also called quantum mottle, is the main and the most significant source of noise in plain radiography. It is a random process due to fluctuations in the number of photons reaching the detector from point to point.

How can I reduce noise from CT?

Iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms are the most widely used CT noise-reduction method to improve image quality and have greatly facilitated radiation dose reduction within the radiology community. Various IR methods have different strengths and limitations.

What is difference between CR and DR?

DR uses flat panel detectors based on direct or indirect conversion of X-rays to charge, which is then processed to produce a digital image. CR uses cassette-based phosphor storage plates (PSP), which are then scanned by the computerized system into a digital format for image processing, archiving, and presentation.

What is CMOS in radiography?

A CMOS device converts light into a digital signal using photosensitive pixels and on-chip circuitry. CMOS technology has a limited photosensitive area and higher noise compared with a CCD, but the noise level has been improving.

What is CCD in radiology?

Charge coupled device (CCD) X-ray detectors have replaced photographic film as the detector of choice for diagnostic imaging, allowing digital copies of images to be captured and stored much more quickly. There are two main types of CCD X-ray detectors—direct and indirect.

How do you fix noisy imaging?

While we can never eliminate noise from imaging, the following factors can be modified to reduce it when performing MRI:

  1. use the correct coil and ensure that it is well-tuned.
  2. use a coarse matrix.
  3. use a large field of view (FOV)
  4. select thick slices.
  5. use narrow bandwidth.
  6. use as many NEX as possible.

What causes quantum mottle in radiography?

In radiography, a speckled, snowy-looking, nonuniform mottle caused by an insufficient number of x-ray photons striking the radiographic image receptor during an exposure. The mottle is corrected by increasing milliampere seconds.

What is the difference between quantum mottle and quantum noise?

What causes noise in CT image?

Noise is caused by the variation in attenuation coefficients between voxels. Use of small voxels and edge-enhancing filters helps reduce blurring and improve visibility of fine details. However, small voxels absorb fewer photons and therefore result in increased noise.

What is PACS in radiology?

A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a computerised means of replacing the roles of conventional radiological film.

What is CR and CT?

Both DR and CR modalities produce a 2D image of the object. In contrast, CT systems produce a 3D image that is created by taking multiple image ‘slices’ (usually many thousands) at different angles around a single axis of object rotation.

What is CCD and CMOS?

CCD (charge coupled device) and CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) image sensors are two different technologies for capturing images digitally. Each has unique strengths and weaknesses giving advantages in different applications.

What is better CCD or CMOS?

CMOS sensors are faster than their CCD counterparts, which allows for higher video frame rates. CMOS imagers provide higher dynamic range and require less current and voltage to operate.