What are the tissue components of osteochondroma?

They further supported this indication by using EXT1 locus-specific fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the three tissue components of osteochondroma (cartilage cap, perichondrium, bony stalk) and showing that these homozygous EXT1 deletions were present only in the cartilage cap of osteochondroma (104 …

What is the radiographic appearance of osteochondroma?

The radiographic appearance of solitary osteochondroma, particularly in long bones, is frequently pathognomonic. The lesion is composed of cortical and medullary bone protruding from and continuous with the underlying bone (,,,,,,,,Figs 4, ,,,,,,,5).

What is the difference between exostosis and osteochondroma?

The inherited condition is called hereditary multiple osteochondromas or hereditary multiple exostoses (an exostosis is an external outgrowth of bone). Multiple osteochondromas are also noncancerous, but they pose a greater chance of complications, usually by interfering with the normal growth of your bones.

Which type of cartilage is in osteochondroma?

Osteochondromas are the most common benign tumors of the bones. The tumors take the form of cartilage-capped bony projections or outgrowth on the surface of bones exostoses. It is characterized as a type of overgrowth that can occur in any bone where cartilage forms bone….

Specialty Orthopedics

What is the root word of osteochondroma?

chondros, cartilage, + -oma, tumor]

What is Osteochondromatosis?

Osteochondromatosis: A condition that is characterized by multiple benign tumors of cartilage, called osteochondromas, projecting from bone, most often from near the ends of long bones.

Can you see osteochondroma on xray?

Plain radiography is the mainstay of imaging for osteochondroma. Good-quality radiographs should be obtained in two perpendicular planes to characterize the lesion fully. Classic radiographic features include orientation of the lesion away from the physis and medullary continuity.

How is osteochondroma diagnosed?

X-ray: In almost all cases, an osteochondroma can be diagnosed using an x-ray. An x-ray uses a small amount of radiation to produce pictures of a child’s bones and organs. This helps to determine where the growth is located.

Is osteochondroma is a malignant bone tumor?

Osteochondroma is the most common type of non-cancerous (benign) bone tumor. An osteochondroma is a hard mass of cartilage and bone that generally appears near the growth plate (a layer of cartilage at the ends of a child’s long bones). The majority of children with an osteochondroma only have a single tumor.

What causes Osteochondromatosis?

The cause of synovial chondromatosis is unknown. The condition occurs spontaneously. It is not inherited.

What is an osteochondroma?

Osteochondroma is an overgrowth of cartilage and bone that happens at the end of the bone near the growth plate. Most often, it affects the long bones in the leg, the pelvis, or the shoulder blade. Osteochondroma is the most common noncancerous bone growth.

Is osteochondroma a malignant bone tumor?